Clark Hospital in Angeles City, Philippines is an abandoned hospital built in the 1900s. It was occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII and recaptured by the Americans in 1945 after months of heavy fighting. In 1991 Mt. Pinatubo erupted sending tons of ash to bury the area including the hospital. Reports are of babies crying and full body apparitions. One report is from a group of workers cleaning up after the volcanic eruption. They claim an extra man started helping them and when one of the workers turned to see his face, he saw a skull. Now that's a neat trick!
Barry & Robb start in the basement and immediately see light flashes and hear footsteps. While investigating the footsteps, the cameraman turns his camera on a sign that reads "Beware of ghosts, Nov 1, 1988." Sounds like a set up to me. Barry & Robb say it sounded like an entire platoon was coming toward them but the sounds stop as soon as they get to the hall where they hear the sound.
Joe & Angela are investigating, I don't know where, when Joe sees a face in the area where Angela hears a noise. Dustin & Barry conduct an EVP session on the 2nd level when Barry sees a face and gets a touch on his neck just as Dustin hears a noise behind Barry.
In the pediatric ward, Dustin & Barry get surrounded by footsteps and Dustin sees a figure duck behind a pylon.
The team captures the light flashes on video and screaming coming from the morgue. During the investigation, Barry had left a cigarette for the soldiers and audio picks up "I'll take it". Another clip catches something saying "help" in response to Robb's questions. After all the evidence was reviewed, Robb declared the hospital haunted.
Second stop is Baguio City, Philippines and the Diplomat Hotel. Built in 1911, the building was used as a sanitarium run by priests and nuns. The sanitarium was bombed and captured by the Japanese in the 1940s and the priests and nuns were tortured and beheaded. There was an attempt to turn the building into a hotel but it is in ruins. Reports include apparitions and voices.
Dustin & Robb are on the 2nd floor doing EVP work. Robb is wearing headphones which lets him hear low level noises. Robb hears a man's voice as well as other noises which Dustin also hears.

Barry & Joe to to the outside chapel. Barry debunks the sightings after seeing the nearby high powered cell towers.
Robb finds a bum who has taken up residence in one of the underground tunnels which explains the voices and noises. So, no ghosts here just squatters. Double D