Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Moon-The Movie

Last weekend my daughter and her friend got caught up in the Twilight frenzy. "Mom" my daughter says, we have to see "New Moon" and not in dvd! I know, she thinks I'm so cheap because I wait until most movies come out in dvd. Hey, it cost a small fortune to go to the movies these days, what with the price of admission and snacks that could feed a family of four at a nice restaurant. But I succumbed to her pressures, even though I think New Moon is the weak link in the entire series. The glossy high def movie trailer makes it look so enticing and who can deny Bella and Edward's continuing love story? But wait, isn't Edward scarce in this book? I have to admit it, I'm just as curious as her. Not quite the Twilight mom's, but still a fan nevertheless. I loved Ann Rice's vampire books, although those were more sophisticated and terrorizing. We chose the 3:30 showing at the Palms Casino thinking that there would probably be less crowds there since it's away from the burbs and families. We get to the theater and there is nary a person in line. Hey, I was right, no families and kids here. We walk right in, but not before our purchase of the gigantic jumbo popcorn, no butter please, and three drinks. Not too bad, since I had a coupon for the soda and the nice concession girl said that it would be cheaper to buy the jumbo soda and split it with another cup. Guess she must have sensed that I'm a novice at theater going. We make our way to theater 11 and there are only about 5 people there. We sit through the trailers, they really make those trailers so enticing, I kept checking off the movies I had to see, all the while my daughter is on popcorn patrol and not letting us have any popcorn until the movie starts. The movie's opening scene is where Edward leaves Bella, to which my daughter says in the dark, I'm going to cry like I did in the book! (What? My daughter sentimental?). All I'm thinking is how are they going to make this good, without Edward? Oh I see, by making Jacob (Taylor Lautner) so hot for the tweenies. Ok, he's a cutie and Bella is a magnet for all sort of non-human love complications. Atmosphere in the film is moody along with the constant moody dispositions of Bella and Edward. Nothing but a pout fest. A little corny on that whole Edward thing where he's in her mind's eye come to life. Bella still translates beautifully on screen where Edward can look a little mannequinish sometimes. By the time they get to Venice I'm craving color after all the grey dull chilly atmosphere of the Pacific Northwest. I loved the Venice scenes. It was as it should be, all terra cotta and reds. Aro was perfect and the 10 minute screen time for Dakota Fanning as Jane was not long enough. I thought Dakota's Jane was perfect even if I had pictured her much taller and more sinister in the book. During the last 15 minutes left of the film, my daughter whispers in my ear that she has to poop. At this announcement, I'm not happy, because pooping for her is a 20 minute exercise. I'm like can't you hold it? No! So I take her out making sure I know where the bathrooms are and beat a hasty retreat back into the darken theater. Missed the whole part where Alice takes Bella to Italy and steals the car (thankfully, I read the book). She comes back 5 minutes later (record time for her) and gets the update from her friend.
In the end, where Edward proposes, my daughter is like, didn't happen in Eclipse? I'm like I don't remember, the whole series runs like one long movie. Bottom line, New Moon is exactly what I thought the #2 book was, the weak link. If you can, wait for it in dvd, save the popcorn (which by the way, I had to throw away 3/4 of the box since we didn't finish it, thank you miss popcorn police!). I did liked the wolf pack and Jacob, hey what's not to like about young guys sporting their abs? I'm such a cougar! I know Eclipse finished wrapping, hopefully it will be a lot more interesting and gripping, on second thought I think not, that comes with Breaking Dawn. Stephanie Meyer could have left those two middle books out.-Single D

Monday, November 23, 2009

Survivor Samoa-Double Vote Whammy!

Is this not the best season ever? It if weren't for Russell, this season would be such a yawner. Do we even know anyone else's name other than Russell and Laura? I mean I know Mick's name because he's the only cutie there and Jaison, and Shambo (mullet head) but other than that who are all those guys on the other team? I was laughing LMAO, during tribal and holding my breath that John would flip. Why would he want to draw stones and possibly get eliminated all for the sake of keeping Laura? How stupid would that be. This is Survivor not Friends. Good strategy on Mick's and Jaison's part not to reveal the name of the person who flipped (Shambo). How in the world could they trust Monica? She's in bed with Laura (figuratively speaking) and the worst person to try to sway over to their side. The best choice was getting at John, after all he's the only one with any brains and seems to play strategically smart. His vote for Laura to go was the smartest thing he did. I cracked up so much when Russell found the third idol. Like he said, he's a magnet for them. Can you believe it? So Hil-lar-ious!!! Great season, almost hate for it to end!
Then on the other hand, this season of Amazing Race has been a total yawner. The only thing that is amazing are the places they have been. This season is more like a travel advertisement than a race. Don't know why team zebra is hanging on, come on just put them out of their misery, they're not going to win. Best pick, Mehgan and Cheyne unless team Globetrotters trots past their rival competitors of Sam and Dan, who are this year's dirtiest team ever!-Single D