Is this not the best season ever? It if weren't for Russell, this season would be such a yawner. Do we even know anyone else's name other than Russell and Laura? I mean I know Mick's name because he's the only cutie there and Jaison, and Shambo (mullet head) but other than that who are all those guys on the other team? I was laughing LMAO, during tribal and holding my breath that John would flip. Why would he want to draw stones and possibly get eliminated all for the sake of keeping Laura? How stupid would that be. This is Survivor not Friends. Good strategy on Mick's and Jaison's part not to reveal the name of the person who flipped (Shambo). How in the world could they trust Monica? She's in bed with Laura (figuratively speaking) and the worst person to try to sway over to their side. The best choice was getting at John, after all he's the only one with any brains and seems to play strategically smart. His vote for Laura to go was the smartest thing he did. I cracked up so much when Russell found the third idol. Like he said, he's a magnet for them. Can you believe it? So Hil-lar-ious!!! Great season, almost hate for it to end!
Then on the other hand, this season of Amazing Race has been a total yawner. The only thing that is amazing are the places they have been. This season is more like a travel advertisement than a race. Don't know why team zebra is hanging on, come on just put them out of their misery, they're not going to win. Best pick, Mehgan and Cheyne unless team Globetrotters trots past their rival competitors of Sam and Dan, who are this year's dirtiest team ever!-Single D
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