I hated to see Jane get voted out but heck it was just a matter of time. How she lasted that long was short of a miracle. You betcha I would have voted for her if she was the last two standing and it seemed everyone else knew it. She championed the fire, which in her last act of revenge doused it, like she said, she started it and she was going to put it out, so there take that! Now I have no one to root for. Chase has gone down in brownie points, leading poor Fabio on by making a deal that if he wins reward he would take him and Sash. Once again Chase wins and who does he take? Holly and Sash and not Fabio. Fabio (he's like a big yellow lab and I knew his name wasn't Fabio, it some thing Tug or Turk or something) was so heartbroken he couldn't spend time with his mother and that whole relative reward, there were so many tears, gawd, it was like they haven't seen each other in years, although I have to admit, I did get a little weepy. So that was the second time Chase went back on his word about taking someone to reward. Jane was miffed too saying she was hurt. I wasn't feeling it for her, she has after all, gone on the last 4 rewards, it's about time she let someone else go. Chase took Sash and Holly just so they could solidify their final three.
Fabio steeled his determination to win the immunity challenge and he actually pulled it off. While Chase pulled a Fabio and studied the shield a little too long, like 20 minutes too long. Back at camp, when Jane confronts Chase, Holly and Sash and says, is it me? with those big hound dog eyes, you almost felt scared, like she was going to the death squad for execution. It was like the group did rock paper scissors and Jane lost. Off to the lion's den with ya!
Now with Jane gone, that leaves, Fabio, Chase, Holly, Sash and whose the fifth person?? Oh yeah, Dan, who in this episode spoke about 2 sentences. Why is he still there!!!-Single D