Back at the farm, Bobby is finally rising, must be around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and everyone is madly cooking. Bobby apologies which is endearing for about 2 seconds, now we know why Whitney threw him out, he spends the night boozing and partying so that the next day he's good for nothing, of which DeGarmo states she has no patience with someone in a drunken stupor. Watch out gu
ys, if you marry her, you'll definitely have to tow the line! Julio now has the sleepies, must be all that yjello food, and takes a nap on the couch while everyone is furiously cooking-his punishment for napping, Julio has to set the table for all the guest, but Mother Maureen goes in to help him. She really is like someone's grandmother.

With dinner all set, JR's family begins to arrive, at first I thought maybe the carnival broke down outside, all shapes and sizes were coming through the front door. Wilson has a sudden shock of panic as she sees all the people and laments that they haven't made enough food! At the end of the meal, JR asks granny "Was it good?" You could feel the air being sucked out of the room, but then she pronounces "It's Good!" To which JR says that girl Carney can cook!-of course she can, she loves food!
After dinner and I'm sure they were all pooped-they all headed downtown to a club called Fuel, where JR had arranged that each cast member would sing their song on stage with his band. Maureen was petrified! She had a look of sheer horror! Each one took the stage, and of course, Bobby Br
own and Dee fought for center stage, jealousy rearing it's ugly head. Mo was crying. DeGarmo blew them away with her amazing voice and she knew it. Mo was crying. Carney Wilson was a bit timid and scared but managed to pull it off, I'm thinking she just alittle self conscious of her weight. Mo was crying. Julio and JR did the duet "Of All the Girls I Used to Know" which sounded amazingly good, and of course it would since his father, Julio Igelesis did it previously with Willy Nelson, sounds of deja vu. Did I say, Mo was crying? In the end, she was terribly disappointed with herself for not having the courage to go on stage and sing, intimidated by the others and her lack of real live stage singing experience. Come on Mo, you knew what you signed up for, if you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen, or in this case the club!-Single D