American Idol is in the Heartland-Omaha, Nebraska with one of the first contestants bearing gifts, but not of the musical kind. Chris did manage to charm his way to a Simon referral for Omaha's Fox 42 to get him a gig hosting an Idol talk show. Well, if you can't sing, talk! Jason forgot the lyrics, but was given a pardon by the judges and was passed through, now don't forget the lyrics in Hollywood or you're history! I think the scariest person at the auditions in Omaha and probably in the entire state of Nebraska was Sarah formally known aptly as Lady Morgue (she wrestles). Sinister, ghoulish, freaky, weird, just a few adjectives come to mind-and what's with the eye
make-up? Certainly not for the weak at heart-which it seems she throughly and ghoulishly enjoys. I never, ever want to meet her in a dark alley! -Single D

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