Did I tell you that Keesha reminds me of Loni Anders
on? Keesha's in charge of the house and everyone will vote the way she says. So there! Jessie is campaigning hard to get himself off the block that he tells Keesha that he can't
sleep and is losing weight, ya like 6 pounds! Oh please, if Keesha falls for that then she's really a dumb Hooter Blond. Did we ever think otherwise? humm... ? I thought the veto flower pot challenge was very funny, kind of a combination of Fear Factor meets Chinese water torture. How can a steady drip of water would want to make you scream? Oh yeah, I forgot about the worms and the compost. Ok, so it's stinky, wet and wormy. Now that might make me scream. Maybe that dripping water will make those eyebrows of Angie's grow. What's up with them? They've been plucked to death. I guess when you are laying in all that stuff one can easily lose track of time as everyone except for Keesha went over the hour limit and Keesha wins POV. Which is probably a good thing since everyone is getting a player hater for Libra. Now, I'm not exactly sure what a play
er hater is, I
just heard it on the Gayle King XM radio show. I guess it describes someone who hates the player in the game, or maybe just hates the game but not the player. Wh0 knows it just sounds good. There has been so much hating and chasing, that I have forgotten what if anything Libra did. Jerry is also shooting off his mouth calling Memphis a "womanizer". Wooooo! Memphis gets all up in Jerry's face for that. Jeez, ya think that Jerry had called his mama a you know what. Memphis tells us that he tries to respect women so he don't like it when someone calls him that. I have another word for Memphis and it's not womanizer. The sign to the entrance of the Big Brother house
should read, cry babies exit here. Keesha leaves the nomination the same and she tells Jessie that he is not going home. Jessie is so confident that he is not going to be eliminated since Keesha has given him her word that he's acting like a body builder on steroids, ranting and raving. Angie is trying to play sneaky by planting ideas that stir up the house into a swirling hate on between Jerry against Michelle and Memphis and Jessie. Just for that I'm getting a player hater on Angie, she needs to take those skinny eyebrows and leave the house, which she does, but not before experiencing your typical California earthquake. I know what those are like, living thought the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.
Ever try brewing coffee over a lighted candle. Yes, I know, we were so shallow, all we could think of was where could we get some coffee!

My BFF Terri in Jersey says that her husband says that Angie shouldn't get eliminated until Keesha and Angie lock lips. Typical guy thing! I'm sure guys are rooting for the hooters girl.
Meanwhile, Catholic Dan is chosen as America's player and succumbs to the temptation of the $20,000 offer. I'm scared for poor Catholic boy, will he be able to lie, backstab and sell out? He's going to need to say alot of Hail Marys for redemption. We leave the houseguest battling it out for HOH on a ledge of a fake building while it shakes, rattles, and rolls in pseudo earthquake, Big Brother style. -Single D
What's up with Jesse and all the disrespecting? It wouldn't be so bad if he knew what it meant and did a little respecting of his own. It seems if you look at Jesse
the wrong way you have disrespected him. I'm so over that guy. The veto challenge was hilarious. Chinese water torture with worms. Ollie didn't know what compost was and thought worms were evil. Watch it with the worms Ollie, they may be a low life form but try growing a garden without them! Jesse calls out Libra about her being all for Steven getting put up which catches Keesha's attention just as Jesse wanted. Keesha wins POV and the race is on! Angie pleads her case to Keesha. Give that girl an Oscar, what a performance! Then it's Jesse's turn, maybe he should get a Razzy. Mr. boo hoo, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I've lost 6 pounds this week, I'm in jail, wha-wha-wha. Cry me a river! Keesha had a good performance of her own going with a "I hear ya but I'll have to think about it" look on her face.