Who knew, Keesha wins HOH. April wants to put her hair in piggy tales to celebrate! Gee, I can't wait to see what she wants to do when she wins HOH? Keesha is talking the talk. Talking all mr. big stuff. Well, that remains to be seen. Renny has assumed the role of the sorority residence mom, which I'm sure just suits her fine. In Keesha's HOH room, she only has eyes for her lover, Gizmo, her pet Maltese. Keesha immediately knows she wants to put up Angie to get back at her for the whole Brokeback thing. The Portuguese Princess is ranting about how she loves pork and that they do the dancing with the pigs thing in Portugal. Weird! The food competition is a sock hop which was pretty lame and really got on my last nerve, listening to Renny's high pitched squeally shrill voice. Put a sock in it, Renny!! I guess BB thought it was time that the house gets to eat real food this week. Renny was disappointed that she and Dan lost their chance at winning wine. Does she need any more, looks like she's always three sheets to wind anyway. Of course our Portuguese Princess
was happy at winning the pig's feet. Guess she'll be the only diner for that one. I was wondering when Jesse was going to make his move on Keesha for the nominations, when he pays a visit and tells her to put up Libra and Dan and Libra is gone. Just that easy he says. Easy? H*ll hath no fury like a woman put up on the block and that would be Libra! In a surprise turn, Keeshe says she is going on gut instincts and nominates, Angie and drum roll please........Jesse!!! Jesse is taken by surprise and says it's on like Donkey Kong-whatever that means!-Single D

After everyone gets in their sock hop duds, April says how she just loves the 60's with all the poodle skirts. 60's? Not a real exciting challenge as the girls have to match socks with the guys to determine what food they will have for the week. The guys couldn't keep their socks in the laundry basket and Renny sounded like someones accordion that needed a tune up. Every time her and Dan were up, Renny kept going for the drinks. She just knew there was booze up there somewhere.

When Jesse goes in to talk to Keesha about the nominations, he SO checked himself out in the mirror as he walked in. Get over your overly muscled self! Jesse tells Keesha who to put up (Libra and Dan). Oh no he didn't! He might as well have painted a target on his big ol' muscle head! Keesha puts up Angie as expected and throws in Jesse for good measure. Double D
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