One word for last night’s bachelorette-awkward…. You can so tell Ali is totally immature and way too sickening bubbly. Watch out Brad Garrett your bubbly 7-Up franchise may come to an end. Garrett is NOT bubbly. I just wanted to run and hide during that whole limo intro thing. And what was up with that dress? It made her look fat and dowdy with the shoulder strap becoming increasingly annoying as the night progressed. She kept pulling it up. One of the guys was right, why wasn’t she wearing yellow? She looked more like a bachelorette in mourning than a woman on the hunt for a husband.
Testosterone was at its peak last night as the guys jumped off limo roofs, told stories about pre-mature______ (why would you let that out?) and that’s your claim to fame, Shooter (eliminated)? And practically ate each other alive. Hard to tell which one I liked. It’s easier to tell which ones I hated, already! Craig, salesman from Canada, one word, hustler, Jay (eliminated) lawyer from RI, slimy (maybe it’s the slicked back hair? Or are all lawyers slimy?), Fred from Chicago (with the glasses) too earnest. Chris from Cape Cod, seems endearing enough, especially with that story about his mother. Girls love it when it comes to guys and their mothers, except maybe in the case of pro-wrestler, looks like maybe he’ll be the bad boy of this season, broken foot and all. And hey what about that weather guy, weird, keep your day job! My vote this early is Chris from Vancouver, hubba, hubba. This season looks like it's going to be awesome with all the romantic locations!-Single D