Ok, burn the big G on my forehead. G for gullible, golly gee, gawds, good grief. Didn't see that one coming from Justin. How quickly the viewing public forgets that uh dud, didn't every guy in the house hate him from the beginning and voted him out in the first episode? Isn't he the one that out of everyone else might have a hidden agenda being a pro wrestler and all? And how quickly I was so taken with his Cheshire Cat eating grin swallowing Kasey whole and spitting him out in tiny itty bitty pieces. But it was Ali doing the chewing and spitting him out in little pieces in last night episode. Could we have asked for more drama! You so know when Chris Hansen makes an appearance at your hotel door something terrible is going to happen. Chris is so Mr. Cool, when he tells Ali that Justin has a girlfriend and has even been calling her through this whole thing. What Ali says! Sure we have proof says Chris, let's call her. Ya lets do! That was a great touch! When Ali confronts Justin, he is so taken by surprise, he gets up and leaves or rather scurries, exit stage left. Just like a man! Why do they always run out? I always tell my husband after a pretty nasty quarrel, if you run out you will just have to come back and face the music, so take it like a man! Snaps for Ali telling that to Justin, who by this point was feeling shrunk down in size. Didn't look like his broken leg was bothering him now. Whoopsee, caught ya. I'm wondering how long his girlfriend will be his girlfriend when he gets home. It was a nice soap opera-ish touch when they were playing all her save messages from Justin as he walks the walk of shame, which in reality show time, will probably last all of 5 minutes before some other show comes knocking. And I thought he was a mama's boy, shame on you for making me like you!
After all that drama, a little levity was in order and just the thing, what else Turkish wrestlers, was that in honor of Justin? Nothing like big Ottoman guys in oily skin and black leather pants to get one laughing. It was funny all the comments the guys were making about being greased with olive oil and having to wrestle guys bigger and stronger than them. Very funny stuff. Ali has been making a few mistakes along the way with her choices in guys. Why did she keep Craig along, when obviously she has no physical attraction to him? And now it looks like Frank is going to wig out on her. He does seem to have those kind of weird psycho eyes, like he could have a leading role in the Ted Bundy story. Ali wake up! Make better choices or you will never find the right man! Oh yeah, didn't Turkey look fantastic-put on bucket list!-Single D