What was the first things I did when I came back home from vacation? Watch 4 hours of the bachelorette of course! Never mind we had been traveling all day, picked up the dogs, cleaned the house (why was it so dirty? no one was home!), unpacked the bags and did 6 loads of laundry, not to mention the time change, but I was still up to watch the bachelorette. I caught the elimination of one episode where the weatherman and Jesse got eliminated when we were in NYC. I'm like why eliminate that bo-hunky, bo-delicious specimen of manliness (speaking of Jesse here)? Poor weatherman, what are we going to do without his humorous forecast of the way his love life is going? Sure he was like a 7 year old in that department, kinda like the male version of Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed. Unfortunately, he didn't forecast that a tornado was going to eliminate him from the game. And come on Ali! She had all instincts that Kasey was a 100% goofball after he did count'em 3 songs which made one want to put their paws over their ears and howl. Gads! How embarrassing and goofy, he would have been so gone after the first song! And what's up with his voice, it's like he speaking through a paper cup, as evident when he was reciting his poem to her in Iceland. Doesn't Iceland look amazing? Put on bucket list. In Iceland, Ali was feeling like Kirk was hiding something from her, so when they had their one on one, he told her about his illness incurred from living with mold. Ali was like, whew, it's about a disease and not about woman problems. Gee I'm thinking the disease is worse. Although in this week's preview it looks like Kirk has a girlfriend, can it be?? I say, let the drama begin!
Looks like the front runners for Ali are Chris, Kirk, Roberto. My bet is for Roberto, can you say Rico Savvy?
And hey, during the two week episodes, didn't Justin look like the cat that ate the rat? He so has that Cheshire Cat eating grin when it came to Krazy Kasey and that hideous tattoo. Ya you called it right that he was faking that whole burn thing. Can only say one thing about Kasey, Koo Koo Krazy Kasey. Now go stalk someone else. Ali you should have gotten rid of him before you eliminated Jesse, you so knew something was off with him, instead you give him a second chance, was that the producer's idea, so you could get rid of him in a more dramatic way by leaving him stranded on a glacier? Another one bites the dust, or in this case ice.-Single D
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