The reward challenge of hitting fruits with bats proved once again out of reach for the Fang tribe and they lose the reward of herbs and fruits, but then again isn't seeing an elephant up close and personal reward enough? It's back to the Sugar Shack for Sugar and like I said before, she's got the best gig of all, fruits and an hammock, what more could you ask for in the wild? Hey did I see Marcus give Charlie a kiss on the cheek, a tender brokeback moment after winning the reward?
This episode's immunity challenge is to roll a large ball of wood down a hill while blindfolded survivors try to keep the ball out of the other other tribe's goal. Who decided to put Sugar (doesn't she remind you of a Drew Barrymore?) as the person giving directions for a blindfolded Ace? Two words for her performance her, she blew. Did she think he would get her directions telepathically? I'm surprised others on her tribe didn't out her for that. I was hoping that Fang would win the immunity challenge, since Fang has been beaten down. Back at camp, Crystal is finally playing the game and decides that Sugar must have the idol which she finds in Sugar's pack. Now Crystal said the most definitive words of the season, to get rid of Sugar now in a blindside since she has the idol and is a real danger. Apparently she has little weight, or the others thought putting up with GC's whining the greater danger and they vote to extinguish his torch-one word for them-FOOLS-let see idol or whining? For GC, someone who looked like he could have used a million dollars, he could dish it, but he sure couldn't take it. GC grow a set, you have to fight for the things you want, one word for him crybaby. -Single D