The team goes to Fort Delaware on Pea Patch Island, Delaware. This place is huge! It was used as a POW camp during the civil war. Apparitions of a cleaning woman are seen as well as a cook and a confederate soldier. The winner of the hunt for the hunter will be joining the team. I wondered if we would be seeing him again.
J & G go to the officer's quarters to do EVP work. They ask the spirits if they want to communicate and show themselves by way of the K2 meters and the meters go crazy. Looks like they got some "live" ones!
In the tunnels, Joe & Tango ask if there is anyone there could they throw something. A few seconds later they hear what sounds like a rock being thrown. Later, J & G go to the tunnels and hear voices. J & G continue on down the tunnel and they catch a figure on thermal that walks across the hallway, stops, turns and walks back. Thinking there may be another investigator there, Jason runs down the hall but doesn't find anyone. They decide to leave the thermal camera in the tunnel to see if anything else happens. They go to kitchen to see if they can draw out the spirit of the cook by talking about cooking and hear a loud bang which does not have a source.
Going over the tapes, you can hear something say "show some respect" and "kitchen". On video we see the figure in the tunnel as well as what looks like someone's head and shoulders peeking down the hall. The video on this was amazing! If J & G hadn't accounted for all of the investigators at the time, I would swear someone was trying to pull one over on them. It gave me the chills. Jason declares the fort haunted. After seeing that video I would say so!
Congrats to Kris for becoming a full fledged investigator! Ghost Hunters International is back in two weeks, can't wait! Double D