Is it the hometown dates already? First up is a trip to Breckenridge, Colorado to visit Jesse and his parents. I've been to Breckenridge and it is really cute, one main street with views of the snow covered mountains, breathtaking! Jesse shows DeAnna what he's like in his element. He's fantastic on the snow. After giving DeAnna a lesson in snow boarding he takes her to his modest home showing her his art wall of snow boards. Jesse for all his appearance is really neat, labeling his cupboards, plates, cups, saucers, who knew, Martha would be proud! Typical guy, having to label where to put his dishes, I just know DeAnna wanted to break out in peels of laughter. His parents show up with Dad sporting a cap with that fake long hair. I was like, omg, he's got long hair! Thank goodness it was just one of those caps, or I'd have to say, hillbilly, then again those caps scream hillbilly. Jesse is the only child and it's obvious he's loved very much. I really like his parents. Hey, if Jesse and DeAnna get married, they could be best friends with Ryan and previous bachelorette, Trista in Vail. Finally the long awaited kiss DeAnna had been waiting for as Jesse plants one on her in the sleigh ride through the snow. Wonder if it was worth the wait? Jesse is beginning to grow on me even if he reminds me of Sean Penn in his "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" days, but look how good he turned out.
Next it's onto Dallas where Jeremy picks up DeAnna on his big bike, gotta love a hog between the legs. Jeremy takes DeAnna to his condo which is meticulously decorated. Jeremy brings out pictures of his mother and his journals he wrote when she was dying. Ok, even if I don't care for Jeremy, I did for a moment feel myself well up, just for about 1/2 a second. Next the brothers show up to give the third degree to DeAnna. One word DeAnna, run! Hey what's up with the crib notes of the bar exam on the walls as art, looks like he needs to display how wonderfully smart he is.
The third hometown date is to Seattle to see Jason and meet his son, Ty. When DeAnna meets Jason at the Space Needle she tells Jason she doesn't know what it is. Come on-who doesn't know that landmark? Next it's on to Jason meeting up with his son whom he hasn't seen since he's been on the show. It's a very touching scene as DeAnna says it was such a movie perfect moment. DeAnna tells Ty that she brought him a present, a golf ball, obvious she's never been around small children! Jason and son have a very large extended family and they welcome her with a traditional Greek dinner. I thought that was very thoughtful and looks like she would fit right in.
The last date is to North Carolina and Graham's home town. Graham meets DeAnna at his old school where his path to pro basketball was formed. You can so tell that DeAnna is totally smitten with him, she can't keep her hands off him. Graham takes her to his parents lovely house. His parents seemed nice enough but they didn't make food or anything, what's up with that. For me it's all about breaking bread together, nothing says welcome to the family like pot roast. Once alone, Graham calms up again and it looked like he wanted to tell DeAnna something, but snaps his mouth shut. Come on, what's up with this guy? Is he gay or something? He definitely is afraid to commit to anything, no wonder he's not had a girlfriend. DeAnna is put off and tries to coax it out of him but he can't open up and talk to her. DeAnna, one word of advice, lose him! DeAnna leaves with the look of frustration on her face.
Back at the mansion and the rose ceremony, DeAnna looks still pissed at what transpired between her a
nd Graham. I know she's torn with the choice of should she keep him and hope that he'll come around and get rid of someone whose committed to her. When she came out, she did not give her customary speech, not a happy camper, she went straight for the jugular and axed Graham. What was he smiling about, like he was happy to be going? He's a jerk. It was obvious DeAnna was torn in getting rid of him and once again her heart was broken. I bet if Graham would have opened up to her, he would have been the last man standing because you could so tell that she likes him the best. Graham writes her a note and tells her to read it in private, maybe he tells DeAnna his deep dark secret, like he's secretly a psycho or something. I think if he would have told her that he was falling in love with her on the way to the limo, she would have done a whoa, ok, ABC hello, I made a mistake, I meant to say Jason not Graham! Either way she did the right thing to cut him loose. Who wants a guy like that? He would take years of therapy to unravel. And besides Graham's name doesn't fit in with the 3 J's. At the end, DeAnna is afraid that maybe she won't fall in love (because she was in love with Graham), could a Brad ending be in store for the Bachelorette?-Single D funny bachelorette clip!

Since I'm behind (again) this will be the cliff note version for me. This was hometown date episode and we start with Jesse in Colorado. The parents love DeAnna and after getting advise from dear old dad, Jesse finally lets loose and kisses DeAnna. I too, thought the labeling of the cabinets was a little weird. I've heard about those snowboarders, maybe after a little recreation he has to have his cabinets labeled!
Next is Dallas and Jeremy. That motorcycle looked so uncomfortable with them all hunched over. It was more like a crotch rocket than a cruise bike. You could so tell DeAnna didn't like his house except for the upstairs balcony looking over down town Dallas. Tear jerker moment with the pictures and journal. For a minute I really thought Jeremy had made that journal like yesterday to get sympathy from DeAnna. I'm such a cynic! Jeremys brothers let DeAnna know that they are there for him not her but they really like her.
Jason and Ty in Seattle are next. Did Jason morph into the Easter bunny? He was hopping around like he had to pee when DeAnna came into view! They took the Space Needle tour, how can you not know what the Space Needle is? She finally meets Ty and give him a golf ball. Golf ball? What's up with that? Maybe it's an inside joke. After dinner with the family, everyone dances and goes outside to play leap frog. OK, it was cute, but does anyone really do that? The family loves DeAnna.

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