It's a junk sale at the Design Star house and junk is right, could they find a more pitiful assortment of stuff? Everyone is roused from their beds with the loud call of Clive's obnoxious bull horn. They are told by Clive to pick their treasure carefully, like you know they will have to do something with it, a duh! Mike has a sheet wrapped around his scrawny body as he grabs for a cylindrical glass vase. Can you say phallic! He wishes. Stephanie picks the pink flamingo, like why? I confess, I have a pink flamingo in my garden but I don't want to look at it inside my house. The designers are told to bring their stu
ff to a mansion called Oaklawn once owned by "Stand by your Man" Tammy Wynette and George Jones. I'm having the greatest urge to sip sweet tea and sit on the veranda right now. The mansion has 4 identical sitting rooms, what else do genteel southern ladies have to do back then, but sit? And one haunted basement, does Ghost Hunters know about this? The designers are paired up by the paint can draw, with each team one given one of the sitting rooms to do a makeover with their junk finds. Their first taste of the haunting was the framed number one flying off the wall and crashing to the floor. Oooooh! I'm wondering if any of the designers felt a rush of cold air around them? The designers have three days and $5,000 to complete their projects. Tracee survived last episodes beheading and is paired with Jennifer, who is willing to give her a second chance to redeem herself after throwing her team under the bus last time. I'm just wondering who divided up the work load and chose Tracee to go to the store while Jennifer painted. Bad idea, Tracee spent 5 hours picking out two chairs, (which Jennifer hated) and paint, gee go figure.

I really didn't like any of the rooms except for Matt and Mike's black painted sitting room. At first Mat
t was like, I'm not feeling the black to which Mike said that it could be primer if they didn't like it. Primer? How do you cover black paint? In the end, it was Mike's and Matt's room that won the judges, but leave it to Vern to notice that the other walls were left unadorned. Is Matt gay? I always say two gays are better than one when it comes to design. I totally hated D. Paul and Trish's Linda Blair split pea green vomit room with those heavy antique Jed Clampett couches. D. Paul deserved to be in the bottom two for spending 3 days on crown molding which he insisted that the judges would take notice. Yeah, they took notice alright and said why did you do that, huh, huh? And Vern said he didn't even notice it, he's so subtle. That made D. Paul even more De-flated. And what in the world was Stephanie going to do with that hideous pink flamingo? Well take it apart of course. That was crafty by taking the pink flamingo apart, but did she have to create an entire line of flamingo products?

In the end, it was Tracee again in the bottom two, with De-flated er D. Paul, and was once again Ms. Congeniality was spared as D. Paul is sent packing, back to the bayou with ya. Is Tracee going to cry at every episode? So you be the judge, pictures falling, sconces hurling through the air and paint trays being mysteriously moved. Ghost or what? I'm just wondering who is going to clean the halls, the ghost? -Single D
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