We last left DeAnna crying her eyes out over getting rid of Graham and telling the camera that she was falling in love with him and second guessing herself. Well DeAnna, ya did the right thing, altho you could hardly tell when she's on her exotics with Jeremy. It looked like she was still mourning the loss of Graham when she was in the Grand Bahama Island with Jeremy. I tell ya, their date still looked awkward and tense as they were sitting in paradise, the only fun they had was jet skiing. At dinner tensions are high,
as Mr. Shiny face Jeremy professes his love for her, was that why he was so serious? He's too serious in my book. Can he lighten up? If I have to be with somebody they better be good looking and hysterically funny (I wish!). Will someone give that guy a dusting down, his face is way too shiny. They don't need candlelight with his glow! By the way, loved, loved, loved her boy shorts bathing suit. The next day DeAnna meets up with Jason and right off the bat, it looked like they just click immediately, no tense silent moments, no sweaty faces, no serious issues, just plain fun. I thought the kayaking looked hysterical, they reminded me of some Amazing Race teams. I think if they get married they should try out for that. Wasn't that floating dock cool? During lunch it seemed that DeAnna had a twinkle in her eye or was that just brie? Could she be falling for Jason? The next date is with Jesse where they try their horseback riding skills in the water. Do horses know how to swim? The production assistants must have tranquilized those horses for the kissing scene cause on the outtakes, it looked like those horses were just too frisky to be calm for a kiss between them. When DeAnna presents Jesse with th
e fantasy suite card from Chris, Jesse says, I don't know if I can, till I meet your dad. DeAnna's like are you for real? Just kidding! Calm down girl!
I couldn't tell at the Rose Ceremony who she would eliminate, since there is no clear cut person that stands out. Jeremy is too ridged and stiff, Jason comes with a built in family, and Jesse is more of a free spirit. In the end, I'm sure she shocked the viewing fans by eliminating Jeremy, the sure thing, the ticket to the mansion, the would be successful lawyer's wife, say goodbye to Manolo Blahniks, champagne caviar and millionaire dreams. Jeremy's exit did tug at the heart a little (for one split second), who can stand rejection? He tells the limo driver to stop and I thought for a he was going to jump the fence and go back to DeAnna just like in the movies, but that was not the case. I guess paradise with Jeremy didn't seduce DeAnna into falling for him as she tells him on the next segment that after she spent the night with Jason and Jesse, she knew he was not the one. Ouch! Guess they are better lovers that him!
The second segment, the Men Tell All, just showed a bitter Jeremy still licking his wounds from rejection and totally solidified my belief that Graham was not that into her. As they showed the clip of Graham departing in the limo, and as he said to the camera that he wanted to fall in love.....which left me thinking the second part of that sentence would have been but it wasn't with DeAnna. Boo on Graham for copping out of answering questions and heaven help the poor woman that will have to put up with that. And as for Jeremy, he's still carrying the torch, I think for him it was all about the winning. I wanted to hear from Sean, but they didn't give him any air time. My choice for DeAnna next week, Jesse, free spirit and all. -Single D-click link below for more pics of the bachelorette!!
Grand Bahama island, sun, sand and three guys. Jeremy's date was a day at the beach. Boring stuff really. Then he was sweating and giggling at dinner and all they showed of the so called fantasy suite was the bed. I must have missed the rest of the suite. Jason's date was fun to watch. Made me want to be there. Are you paying attention oh husband of mine? It was worth a shot. Jason and DeAnna start out on a Jeep adventure they even end up dressed alike, how sickening cute is that? I loved their picnic place. Looked like a nature wetlands preserve. At dinner, Jason gives her a sand dollar necklace and professes his love for her. OK, he may be needy but he's romantic. I'm still wondering what went wrong with his marriage.
Jesse and DeAnna go for a beach horseback ride and picnic. I still hope my husband is taking notes. At dinner, Jesse is trying to figure out life after snowboarding. Jesse, like his two predecessors, jumps at the suite. Looking at the view, it so made me want to be there. I love my backyard paradise but my pool doesn't have waves, unless someone does a cannonball!
At the rose ceremony, we get a shocker as DeAnna sends Jeremy packing. I thought sure it would be Jeremy and Jason in the final two. But wait! Next week it looks like someone comes back. I'm so sure it's Jeremy since they showed the back side of the man and he was too neatly dressed for it to be Graham! Ah suspense thy name is Bachelorette! Double D