The designers are told to pack a bag and take their passports. Everyone is so excited. Wait a minute, pack a bag and take your passports, something smells fishy in Barcelona. I would have never fallen for that. Clive meets them on the tarmac of some small airport where he pops out of the private jet that looks more like a prop than plane. Each one of the designer open their paint can with the name of various countries, Italy, Thailand, and Mexico. Because Mike won he gets to pick any place in the world, so he picks Spain, because he's been there like a million times. Ok show of hands, how many thought they really weren't going anywhere? Me! The airplane hanger doors open to their individual room challenge which is to create a space of their chosen country. Well, lucky for Michael to chose a country where he's been to a million times! Tracee (Italy) says that her idea is so incredible and that she's going to win this challenge which translates into I'm a loser! Any time you tell the camera that you're going to win is a sign that you're going home. During the entire process Michael with his nose in the air and his strutting of patronizing fakeness keeps telling Tracee how much he loves her design all the while putting his finger down his throat in a mock attempt to puke, nice! I love it when Clive comes to visit the set and m
akes faces at the designers work. What, don't you think it's great? Michael keeps saying that his design is furr-roach, the term I thought was coined by our little Christian on Project Runway. Maybe furr-roach is the new hot design word for the day? Each of the individual rooms disappointed me. I wanted somberos, I wanted Thai elephants, I wanted Venetian masks, ok maybe not the somberos. There was not a speck of ethnicity in any of the rooms! They just looked like generic rooms-which country are we in?

Back at the TV studio, there in the green room is cute and tiny Lisa LaPorter (Clive's co-star) and some bald guy? Whose he? They were there to give a pep talk about how to keep on working for their dreams, blah blah blah. They really could have left that part out. I was really disappointed in the green room. I have always envisioned this room being really large, with lots of tables with heaping piles of food and drink and lots of comfy couches. Where was the food? I think there was one small table with a couple of pieces of fruit, hey what gives? Where's the hot food? Where's the buffett?
Judging time: Jennifer and Tracee both had Italy-which I loved Jenn's room with her yellow and blue, but I thought the blue should have been a more deeper blue not the washed out stuff she had. I thought her free hand painting on the walls were incredible, ok I guess she does have some talent. Tracee tried to do a gondola Venice bed with red walls and a free hand painted chandelier which didn't quite make it. I thought the bed looked sloppy, she should try to steer clear of c
arpentry work, or in this case foam board work. I thought the worse design of the lot was Matt who showed so much promise in the beginning. He had the country of Thailand and tried to create an abstract Buddhist temple which looked more like the monolith that was on Space Odyssey 2000, you know the one that the monkeys were worshipping? It was absurd and didn't look like Thailand at all. Mikey V's room looked more Chinese than Thai and as Vern said, more like Chinese takeout. Gotta love the Vern! Jenn wins the challenge with over confident prancer Michael getting axed and crying for his mommie. I want my mommie! I want my mommie! Well, that's what happens when you bad mouth others, karma's a bitch!-Single D

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