Hey wait a minute, I thought Russell, being the idol magnet that he is, found the hidden immunity idol last week, but apparently not, as he finds it this episode, either that or there was some editing going on. I'm thinking there was editing going on.
I am just so sick of the Heroes losing every challenge. They can't win for nothing and it's because Boston Rob has all of a sudden this season turned into the good guy. And ya, some of you might disagree, but he really has mellowed out. That's what will happen when you marry the million dollar winner, have kids, go on Amazing Race, and get to be on every Survivor reunion show. Life is good. And yes, he should probably swap sides. He's been instrumental in the villains winning all the challenges, so doesn't that make him a good guy? Meanwhile, the heroes who can't get their act together are quickly becoming the villains in this game. Come on, I dare you to name a real hero on that tribe. Maybe Colby? And what, are they stupid? Keeping loud mouth brute James over Tom? The heroes better hope that James's leg recovers before their next challenge, otherwise, he wasn't worth keeping, brawny arms and all. Maybe Tom's inability to solve puzzles was what was keeping them down. Too bad Tom gets voted out, I still think he had a lot of game in him. Now it remains to be seen if anyone can emerge as a leader. JT again gets himself in a jam by siding with both sides. Come on, chose sides, or the tribe will come after you.
When James hurt himself, Amanda was all sad like whose going to take care of me if he goes, she whimpers. Yeah right, it's all about you, Amanda. James is a fool to stay on, lets see fix leg or live with it broken for the rest of your life. Could be serious, but the game is more important to James or maybe it's the million dollars that is more important. Don't hold your breath James, your days are numbered so you might as well have left.
Looks like next week, Rob and Russell have a showdown, because two kings can't run the camp. Should be interesting. -Single D