Friday, November 16, 2007
Premiere of Project Runway
It looks like this seasons contestants are either too totally talented to be on the show or still need to pass sewing 101. I think Victorya will be the typical Asian overachiever (like me) and I'm thinking that Ricky will be the cry on a dime guy, he was already weeping about something-check your tears at the door! And who was it that made clothes out of his flowershop, well I guess the first clothes were leaves and stuff?
Four words for Elisa's personality and dress design, Bizarre, Strange, Odd, and Weird! I bet she's a Vegan. That outfit was the most strangest assortment of rags put together since the invention of rag rugs and what happened to the grass stained fabric? I hope someone is not wearing it around Manhattan! I did have a moment of sympathy for Chris when the mad dash for fabric was on-but then he did manage to get the leftovers and was quite happy-I guess that's all that counts.
Who said lingerie is the same as everyday clothes-Ricky could be the one trick pony. And what's up with Christian's hair-makes me feel lopsided!
This was definitely a thimbles up episode!
My next contestant to become unsewn is Elisa! Now go bake some tofu brownies!
-Single D
I must say this is quite the cast of characters. Christian is the self professed celebrity in his own head. Maybe he should at least sleep on the sofa in stead of the floor! And find a sober hairdresser. I love it when Kit said that life is too short to wear a bad outfit. Were the producers going for the names or talent this time? Kit Pistol and Sweet P, come on! I guess you have to have something catchy. We'll see how they sew.
Most everyone seems to be pretty talented so far. Simone did need to go. That dress was a disaster. Elisa wasn't far behind. If she had stopped and not added that peacock looking train, she would have been in the top in stead of the bottom. Even Heidi said it looked like her model was pooing fabric! Yes, I kept looking for that grass stained fabric myself. Guess she changed her mind, in a BIG way!
This is already shaping up to be a good season, if the show lives up to the previews, I will certainly be glued to the tube! This a thimbles up for me!

Survivor - Drums and Goats
Bouncing a ball-sounds like child's play, but proved too hard for some, I'm wondering if # 2 pencil even bounced the ball once? At least now she'll get to eat something and why is it when she's happy her voice raises about ten octaves? Denise is looking so forlorn lately like the grazing water buffalo. Peih Gee showed great determination in winning the immunity, but I still don't like her! And does she go to the beauty salon before tribal counsel-her hair is always coiffed! Poor Frosti, I thought for sure he would be in the finals! This episode only garners two coconuts and that is for
Eric's incredible goat imitations! My next castoff choice is Eric.

-Single D
I loved that ball bouncing challage! At least Denise didn't get picked last this time, even though they didn't win. Oh, and Denise, when you get back to the real world, just say NO to the mullet! And what a reward! Of course I would have been asking where are the showers, after all it was a cruise boat! What was up with Eric and the goat noises, I think he did that a little too good! Looks like Peih-Gee is the second coming of Jean-Robert. Keep your mouth shut honey, you were doing good getting the heat off of you! It didn't take long for #2 pencil to turn on Frosti. It was almost like the kiss of death. Watch out Eric! I'm still sticking to Peih-Gee as next castoff, she's getting to nervous and can't keep her mouth shut. I'm giving this episode 3 coconuts, yes, for the goat imitations! Way to go Eric!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kid Nation - Mixing it up
No one was very happy when the counsel mixed up some of the districts. I think my man Jared had a little too much sugar when he locked himself in the jail then proceeded to kick his way out. And how about the red district yelling at Zach that they didn't want Nate, right in front of the poor kid. "It's not like we hate him or anything". Use some tact kids! I think Nate would have been ok if he wouldn't wear those green clogs, what's up with those?! I have a feeling that Zack won't last much longer on the counsel. The power seems to have gone to his head! That Greg has become a loose cannon again. He seemed to calm down after winning the gold star and now he back to being the "bad boy". Of course, when you think you can't stand him anymore, he goes and does something sweet, like trying to make Randi feel better and trying to get her to stay. I can't wait for the results of the new election! Double D
Ok gold stars have gone to the heads of the Green District, especially Laurel. I was surprised of her lack of participation when they wanted to mix it up, Guylan said it right when he told her she was stuck-up! Nathan and Mike seemed to patch things up between them-did they also share the same color lipstick? This episode had all the pathos of adult drama, frustration, humility, conceitedness, sweetness and forgiveness-if only we all could be little adults! I'm always rooting for Greg, even if he is a borderline delinquent and then surprises us all in his unusual moments of compassion, go Greg! Single D
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Amazing Race - Vaulting in your BVD's
Amsterdam-pretty tame location but a brilliant challenge locating the bikes with the correct tags! I have been to Amsterdam, so I know there are thousands of bikes there. I immediately said that challenge would have been the hardest-but it turned out to be pretty easy compared with tying knots that proved daunting to Mr. Dreadlocks (TK), I think the knots in his hair was cutting the blood to his brain and I should have known that gothic Kynt was too "Prissy" for that challenge (go figure all that pink) I guess all that macrame helped Vyxen with those knots though!-surprise winner of that challenge, the beauty queens, blonde and brawn, now go get yourself a facial and manicure!
And will someone tell Mr. Miaigi, wax on, wax off, to shut up!
By far the funniest moment was when Grandpa shed his clothes in the canal vault in his black BVD's-what was Nicholas thinking, letting gramps do the dirty work, just for that, my choice for the next team eliminated is Nicholas and Grandpa-because Nicholas has no backbone.
Seeing gramps do that vault was a five backpack episode!

-Single D
Poor Christina, she is going to need a therapist after this! Lighten up pops! Speaking of pops, grandpa needs to keep his clothes on! I think that woman gave it to him because she was tired of watching his saggy drawers, and I had him pegged as a boxer man! And the Grace (NOT) Award goes to Jennifer for that pole vault that landed her so delicately on her back, splat! When Kynt got to the vaulting and said, "It involves the sheep", I think he was hoping! Go blondes for getting that furniture hauled up, who knew?! And little Rachel giving it her all, now aren't you ashamed of yourself TK? Beware of bounteous bicycles! I think the Ministers were happy to wander around the bike garage, come on ladies, it's a race!
I'm picking Grandpa and Nicolas to come in last next week. Grandpa can vault (eventually) but he is still slow.
This episode seemed short to me so I'm giving it 4 backpacks.

-Double D

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