Ok folks, was this not the best episode ever! We were buzzing at work about how crazy good it was. And Randy enough with the cookies already, as Sugar said, it's just cookies! This episode was the auction reward challenge, pitting bidding Survivors against each other for food. Randy wins the first item for bid which was beer and peanuts. Randy strikes me as a beer and peanuts kind of guy so that was appropriate. Kenny bids on the next which is a piece of paper that says send someone to exile island and take their money, so he sends Bob to exile again. Poor Bob! Next, Susie bids on a soak in a tub. At first that looked great, but having to soak in front of the gang and crew wouldn't necessarily be relaxing. She gets in, I assume sans clothes and soaks for all of 5 minutes. I think she got out quickly because she was uncomfortable washing her pits in front of America. Matty bids and wins the big plate of spaghetti and wine which he desperately needed since he is so thin he makes me look fat. And the whole cookie incident was brought on when Jeff brings out a plate of cookies and says it's for sale for 20.00 but it's for the tribe. Randy immediately jumps in and gives the money over and brings the plate for everyone to take a cookie, but at first Sugar says no, but then says
I will give it to Matty. This ticks Randy off and he says no, it's for you. The very last cookie he asks Sugar again and this time Sugar takes it and gives it to Matty, which enrages Randy. Is there anything that doesn't enrage Randy? Back at camp Randy is on a rampage against Sugar and the whole cookie incident. Sugar keeps rolling her eyes and says, geez it's just cookies! Randy hatches a plan with Corinne, to incite the camp against him which I'm sure is not going to take much since everyone already hates him. When Bob comes back, Corinne is to sweet talk Bob into giving Randy the idol and thus save him from tribal. One major thing wrong with this plan, Bob doesn't have a real idol, only the fake one he made from resin and beads. On exile, Bob decides to get in touch with his African experience and enjoy the beauty of Africa. The immunity challenge was a maze of setting up pieces of wood to create a domino effect to win the immunity. In the final three, Corinne, Kenny and Matty, I was like holding my breath to see whose domino's would finish first. Kenny's gamer boy intellect leads him to win victory and all was well in Survivor world.

At camp Bob tells Sugar that he doesn't have the idol but made a fake one. Sugar says wouldn't it be funny if you gave that idol to Randy and he'd play it at tribal thinking it was a real one. For all of Sugar's blondness, she's not some dumb cookie. She's actually pretty smart and the way she handles people with that dumb blond personality people are like putty in her hands. I really didn't think Bob would spin a lie to Randy and Corinne, but I was amazed when Corinne asked if he found the idol and he kinda said yes in an off handed manner.
At tribal the cookie drama was still being bantered around with Sugar saying get over it!Everyone is pretty much done with Randy and his antics. During the vote, Crystal talks so loudly to the camera, everyone could hear her say, I'm so done with him since day one. Alrighty let's really tell everyon
e how you feel. I was laughing. When Jeff asked if anyone had the idol and would like to play it, a smug Randy turns over the resin beaded thing to Jeff. Corinne and Randy both had that smug look of triumph, but Sugar and Crystal could hardly contain their laughter behind their hands. They looked like school girls getting one over on their teacher. When Jeff declared it a fake, you know those girls wanted to laugh hysterically. I was howling on my couch, my daughter commenting, gee mom, you're so weird! Well, I guess you had to be there. I loved, loved, loved him getting blindsided, it was like a double blindside with the fake idol and all. And when he was eliminated, Randy's looks were spewing fire. Hell hath......Can't wait to see what he says at Ponderosa.-Single D