First to depart are Nick and Starr at 10:14 pm on their way to Borat country of Kazakhstan.
10:24-Toni and Dallas
10:43- Terence and Sarah
Next to leave Ken and Tina
and lastly at 12:00-Frat boys, Andrew and Dan, gee are they still in it?
Teams are on three different flights with Andrew and Dan alone on the third flight with their only hope of catching up is that at their destination, the teams will have to spend the night and wait for their next challenge to open which is exactly what happens in Kazakhstan. All the teams meet at a chicken factory to look for the golden egg, except for Nick and Starr and Terence and Sarah who vie for the fast forward. Little do they know that they will have to eat a local dish of sheep's butt, yummy! Back at the chicken farm, teams have to look for one of seven golden eggs among 30,000 chickens. One thing I have to say, Kazakhstanian chickens look much happier than American chickens. Happy chickens come from Kazakhstan! Tina, who else? finds the golden egg the first. That team is like a pack of pit bulls, they keep fighting back. Next it's Toni and Dallas. After they find the egg, they have to take a crane truck to find the Mongol Warrior. It seems the crane truck driver doesn't know where to go and the Frat boys drive around Almaty like tourist on a sightseeing mission. Back at the fast forward, we knew
Nick and Starr would wolf down that delicious dish in no time. I was so hoping Starr would puke. When Terence saw that it was meat and he's a vegetarian, why didn't they leave right then? They wasted so much time not eating and heaving that they should have left as soon as they saw what it was. I knew Terence the weakling would not be able to do it. Weak! After several lame attempts to swallow sheep's butt (boy my daughter better not complain about her dinners or I might have to make that dish for her, which looked like slimy, slithery, gelatinous, chewy yuck in gravy), Sarah and Terence finally leave the fast forward after Nick and Starr slurp down the dish and win. The next stop is to the Mongol Warrior whose falcon delivers their next clue which is either to act like fools, by dressing up in a cow costume or play like fools, playing instruments for money. Everyone chose wisely by dressing up like fools. Dallas had a little too much fun being the cow, I think he secretly liked that his mother was the cow's rear. Tina made poor Ken the butt of cow of course and plowed straight away her cow head on crooked. When Dallas and Toni made the milk stand, at least Dallas got it right by reading the clue at the bottom of the milk glass, unlike Tina drinking the milk and then didn't read the clue on the bottom of the glass nor did they follow instructions but instead changed their cow outfits, only to find out that they needed to be in costume when they delivered themselves to the butcher. They made some pretty silly mistakes for a team that seemed more savvy than most. Meanwhile, still lost in Almaty, Frat boys are trying to find someone that speaks English. What language do they speak in Kazakhstan? The entire time Frat boys bicker between themselves, like Shrek and Donkey, Tom and Jerry, Frick and Frack, Chip and Dale. Unfortunately for Terence and Sarah going up against Nick and Starr for the fast forward, didn't have a chance to make up time, no matter that the Frat boys goofed by taking a taxi to the pitstop when they were supposed to walk. Terence and Sarah are eliminated but in the end, all is well, as Terence says where ever life takes him, he'll take Visa, I'm mean Sarah! Aw how sweet now, I think there is a sheep's butt dish with Terence's name on it.-Single D

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