The talent pool for Top Chef has exceeded itself once again or so it seems. Most of the contestants own their own restaurant or are a executive chef at one. There is one student. So everyone is making friends and having a good time when Padama and Chef Tom announce the quick fire challenge. They have to peel

apples with a knife. The quick fire is done in three rounds and the one left standing is going home. The second round is chopping the apples while the third round is to cook the apples. One contestant slices his thumb and bleeds all over his apples but luck for him, he peeled them good and didn't have to continue. The two bottom people both make salads. Nothing wrong with salads but come on, this is your first impression with the judges! It doesn't work for Lauren and her spinach salad gets her a ticket home with Stefan winning immunity. At the house, personalities are emerging with Stefan and Fabio thinking they are superior. Check the ego at the door guys it usually goes before the fall.

In the elimination challenge, the chefs are paired up to go head to head and get an area of NYC to get their inspiration, China Town, Little Italy, etc. It seemed like one person from every twosome didn't know how to cook in that particular area. The shopping was funny, the one person who didn't know what they were doing would follow the other to get some clue. Back in the kitchen, Jeff was running around like a chicken, well you know, and not getting anything done. Everyone else was trying to get in the swing of things since they really aren't used to competing. I thought sure Eugene was going to win since he didn't know how to cook Indian food but came up with, apparently, is their national dish of lamb with basmati rice and tzatziki with tandoori glaze (yes I cheated and looked it up). But it was

not to be and Stefan wins with his lamb chop paired with beef skewers, sounds plain by comparison. Pour student, Patrick, who had so much trouble with his black rice noodles didn't impress the judges and was told to pack his knives and go.
Double D
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