Advert your eyes! Spoiler coming! Andrew with his one last ditch attempt to throw the scent off his alliance with Brendon, wins the Oscar for the worst acting job in BB history. The house could clearly see that Andrew was faking the pitch to throw Brenden and Rachel under the bus next week in a weak attempt to save himself and in a clearly rhetorical plea ask for the veto to be used on him. Hello, even airhead Brittany was like what was that? Dude, you don't bite the hand that might possibly save you eh? I felt sorry for him, the kosher underdog should have made alliances, but being the floater just got him floated out of the house this week. It's ok Andrew, you just don't have the killer instinct to win this game, it's just not Kosher! HOH competition, Rachel wins it again, maybe she really is a genius!-Single D