Who knew the three remaining brigade members would last till the very end, Lane, Hayden and Enzo. Have to give it to them, they played it cool till the very end. I wasn't liking Lane trying to turn on Enzo over Brittany. Come on, really? Why is it when Lane speaks everything is in capital letters and exclamation points. REALLY! I so totally want Enzo to win but it doesn't look good for him with the final showdown between Hayden and Lane. Now why would either of those two take each other? That would be disastrous for each one of them, since both of them played a real good game, where Enzo did NOTHING. He's not good anything and he can't win to save his BB life, so taking him to the finals would be the best thing for whoever wins HOH. I'm hoping Lane wins, because he can be easily swayed, shades of Brittany. And when Brittany found out about the Brigade, she went all moral like. Yes, Brittany, you don't have a pig's chance in heck to win now that you are up against the boys and yes, it's a game for heavens sake. Why is it that once you get in the house you lose all sense of the game and think it's the real world? Well, my vote is for Enzo, he can use 1/2 mil for his Jersey family, anybody who works two jobs deserves the money. Hayden and Lane look like they are just skating or in Lanes case golfing through life, so they don't need the cash.
I was so glad Ragan left the house, drama DIVA. I so loved his when his boy toy Matty told him the truth about his lies. Ha ha, not so moral now is he! And not sticking up for Rachel but snaps for her saying that there wasn't any fighting till Ragan showed up. Let's face it, they hate each other, so just stay in opposite ends of the house will ya!-
Go ENZO!-Single D