I think it should be a rule that you must know how to say the place you are going to. Geez, put a lisp in it. Cambodia. This episode was a near perfect leg for Zev and Justin with the exception of one major mistake, losing the passport. It's a wonder they lost their passport, did ya see their packs? When they crossed the finish line, they knew they were missing one, how's that? I'm thinking if they knew they were missing their passports why didn't they try to go back and find it? When Phil told them to step aside and go through their things, did you see what their packs looked like? No wonder it's missing, what a mess. Wouldn't you keep the passport in a wallet on a string around the neck? I know whenever I go with my passport, it is safely tucked under my shirt around my neck. I bet those two never even ventured out of LA.
When Zev and Justin along with Lance and Keri arrived at the airport only to find that the first flight out of Vietnam was booked, I thought for sure one of those teams would get the boot, but as dumb luck would have it, they both managed to get on board with the other teams.
Still hate Lance and Keri and poker girls. Maria was all weepy because she wasn't a good enough monkey. Get over it, heavens you got one of the easier challenges! Act like a monkey, how hard was that? Poor Zev, he really did look like the clumsy school boy when he couldn't do that monkey act. He pitched a hissy fit, I know, my bad.
True stupidity reared it's head when most of the young'ins didn't know that it was Jackie Kennedy in the picture. Leave it to dad Gary to figure out that was Jackie O. Who was it that said it was some Cambodian princess? Mika or Meghan, both are dumb as rocks.
I so totally loved the Russian Market, for sure I would have lost that challenge being so distracted with all the stalls and souvenirs. Wait I need to buy presents!
Well, better now for Zev and Justin to leave, they weren't going to win the race anyway, I'm just surprised they lasted as long as they did.
Survivor Samoa-
Funny th
at the two people who think they are running things are named Russell. Pudgy Russell has my vote to win this thing, he is cunning and devious, although he better watch out, some one's bound to catch on to his game play, if he doesn't eliminate them first. He has everyone so duped they just follow his instructions like it's Stepford Samoa, so they deserve to get the boot. Speaking of Stepford Samoa, the other team is like Stepford Survivors with all of them doing their morning yoga and stuff. The only two not Stepford Survivors are Sambo and Yasmin. Someone forgot to operate on them to remove their personalities. And why was Jaison getting all upset when Ben called Yasmin "ghetto". Why does it always have to be about race?? Come on, I use ghetto on anyone that has no manners, who is crude, rude and a big mouth which was totally Yasmin when she visited the other camp. Hello, you were just supposed to visit and lay low and get the dirt, not dish it out. No excuses for Ben, but he was just calling it like he saw it, I don't think he thought about race. Well, Yasmin was voted out because she just wasn't Stepford enough. I hope they keep Sambo around but she is so at odds with her team but I don't think they will kidnap her and bring her to the big house to remove her soul and take her lifeless eyes. She'll never be Stepford. I think she's waiting to see if Rambo will rescue her.
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