Friday, December 19, 2008

Biggest Loser Finale & Momma's Boys Premiere

I have been watching on and off the Biggest Loser. It is so amazing the weight that these have people lost. Of the four that were left on last night's finale, Heba, her hubby Ed, Vickki and Michelle, I thought it was so totally hilarious that America voted by a landslide to keep Ed in the finale and vote out Heba. I know a collective groan went through America, when Ed pleaded with America to keep his wife in the running. My first thought was Oh please! If she has that much control over him to make him plead for her to stay instead of him, then she needs to be voted out, and that is exactly what America did by a landslide! Heba would have been better off letting Ed plead his own case. Ed looked silly begging America to keep his wife instead of him, did she really want it that bad? Either way one of them would go to the finale and have the chance at the money. At the reunion show, about the only ones that still needed help losing the weight looked like Tom Jr. and Tom Sr. Junior went from 360 to about 270, but he's still a big boy and if not careful, could balloon up again. The second place finish went to big girl Heba with an impressive weight loss, inching out an almost too gaunt Amy.
After Heba winning, I was so hoping that Ed wouldn't win, because that wouldn't be fair. Another Survivor Gabon with winner take all. I didn't think tho that Ed (he better be careful, what with being a chef and all) would have a chance and I was hold my breath when Vicki did her weigh in. Doesn't she walk knocked knees with her feet in a duck stance? I guess she'll have to learn not to walk like a fat girl. I was rooting this entire time for Michelle to win, after all the black team has been the underdogs this whole season. So when Michelle got on the scale and had to lose 105 pounds, I was like, eek! That's a lot of weight. But when she made 110 I was so glad for her and her trainer, Jillian. Michelle looked amazing and so totally deserved to win against the other two. All around a satisfying conclusion to this season.
After that came the premiere of Momma's Boys-a bachelor style dating game with a twist-momma's coming along for the ride, nothing like three's a crowd. Thirty girls for 3 bachelors to chose from, nice odds. Looks like Michael the EMT from Jersey is already a crowd favorite. He is a cutie and his mother is seems pretty hip. The other momma's boy, Rob is a nice Jewish boy from New York, oy vey! His mother is your typical Jewish mom ( I know I had one). The third bachelor is JoJo whose mother is the mother from hell. Khalood (what kind of name is that?) already has created fireworks with her racial and ethnic slurs (hey isn't she some kind of ethnic herself?). She just wants a nice white girl for her little man. Well, with a mixed crowd of ethnicity's in the bachelorettes, this show seems like it has all the makings for some mindless entertainment. Let the backstabbing begin!-Single D

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Survivor Gabon-Finale

It always amazes me when a season of Survivor comes to an end. Just as quickly as it started, it has ended. This season I really didn't have a favorite survivor, maybe, towards the end there, I was hoping that Crystal might surprise everyone, but that was not to be. And if Sugar had any hopes of winning this thing, she would have voted off Bob when she had the chance after Suzi won the house of cards immunity. Instead she chose to play King Solomon and have the battle of the fire makers, Bob and Matty put to the test. If she was trying to be so fair, then why didn't she tell Matty that she was going to make it a tie, so Matty could practice making fire like Bob. During tribal, all Matty could do was to stare at Bob's fire. Sugar right there gave Bob the million. At the tribal Q & A, Corinne was so venomous, didn't someone tell her it's just a game? To rag on Sugar for the death of her father was inappropriate. Corinne seems to wear the badge of the world's biggest Beeyach like it's some kind of honor. Wrong! I think Corinne and Randy should couple up. They both hate people and the world.
It was no surprise when Bob won most of the votes, edging out Suzi for the money. I was hoping maybe Suzi would win and be the sleeper survivor of the season, but that was not to be. Poor Sugar was totally shut out of the voting. I thought she was the one that played the smartest game. She was instrumental in many of the key moves, and so what if she laughed in the face of stupidity, when Randy played the fake idol, it was funny! Sugar would have been my vote to win, but whose listening to me. I totally had to turn the TV off when Bob was announced the winner of 100,000. Too bad he didn't offer to split up the money between his two runners up, it was after all, Sugar that crowned him!-Single D