It's thirteen to Vancouver, Canada, Jillian's hometown. Vancouver is a beautiful city. Clean, sparkling and hip. We went there last year, did the touristy thing in Vancouver, Whistler and Victoria. Whistler is a quaint mountain town which probably looks better when it is snow covered. The food there is hugely expensive as they have a captive audience, but the village is quaint. The day we went, never fails, my sister-in-law always brings the hot weather, it followed us from Seattle to Whistler as both places were having the hottest weather on record. Vancouver thankfully cooled down and it even rained. Don't bother going to Chinatown which I had heard was really large. It was only about two streets and was more like an after thought than a town. We then took the ferry from Vancouver over to Victoria Island. We stayed there for a few days, but essentially one could see it in a day. Victoria is quaint and there is a fabulous English style bakery which served something like a high tea. The best place to say of course is the Fairmont Victoria over looking the harbor. When you are on a small island, it is always wise to stay at the best location because that will be what you will remember the most. When we went to Quebec no question the place to stay is the Chateau Frontenac, absolutely beautiful over looking the St. Charles river. The rooms are beautiful with great views of the river and city. When you go there, stay inside the old city and eat lots of French Onion soup.

Jillian's first one on one date in her hometown is with Kiptyn. Kiptynite is letting Jillian win the kayak race over to Granville Island, one of my favorite spots in Vancouver. The food there is unbelievable! Fantastic bakeries and food vendors. Then it's back home, was that Jillian's place? Nice kitchen where she is making tortellini. No lingering over pasta tho, it's straight to kissing. She definitely has the hots for him. The group date is everyone else except for Mike and Mark who unfortunately get the dreaded two on one date, where one of them will be sent packing. Oh no, not my Mike! The group date is to an ice rink for that quirky sport of curling. My daughter is like why do they have to sweep it? Jesse looked kinda cute when he pushed the stone in the circle, but just when I thought that, he does some weird chicken happy dance. Red team win the prize of getting a dinner cruise date with Jillian. Hey the dinner was more of a prize for me. The crab dumped at the table looked awesome! Afterward she takes each one individually to get some alone time. Here she tells Jake that he needn't be so perfect, that he can be himself. You could so see his disappointment, yes Jillian I am perfect, I can't help it. Sigh! I think David had one too many shots of tequila because he was loud and obnoxious. He called Jillian a liar and kept adjusting her blouse, hey buddy hands off! I would have so slapped him! To Jillian she felt he totally disrespected her. Fate seal, so long trucker! When David went in for the kiss, Jillian turns her cheek which David says he's not used to being denied, I bet, denial could mean two black eyes. Jesse gets the rose for the evening and rightly so, he was very sweet.
The dreaded two on one date, is a helicopter ride to Grouse Mountain, which looked totally amazing. Ah that's where the snow's at. Haven't been there! Mike talked non-stop which was probably his undoing, shut up! The more I looked at Mike, couldn't tell if he was good looking or looking cartoonish in a Bob Hope sort of way. I would of bet money that she was sending mild mannered Mark home, especially after when he was so nonchalant about relationships. Mike on the other hand was practically asking Jillian to marry him. My jaw fell to the floor when she sent Mike home, no wonder, no woman wants to be out talked by some guy.
The cocktail party everyone wanted to spill to Jillian about Wes's off handed comment that he could be in love with several women at the same time, (did that translate into that he has a girlfriend? Because I didn't get that.) The only one that had the nerve was Tanner, who didn't spill names but did tell Jillian that someone did have a girlfriend or some kind of agenda. Ah come on guys, grow a set! Now that's the difference between men and women. Women won't give it a second thought to spill names, it must be some sort of guy code. Jillian of course is upset and says the rose ceremony won't go on. Jake stands up like a man and calls the dastardly dude out, while Tanner tries to surreptitiously give the eye over to Wes. Tanner starts to get worried over his precarious spilling that he might get sent home, no worries, he is safe for another week. Jillian sends home Juan and David. David we knew, but Juan, maybe she had her suspicions about him, Jillian wrong guy, it's Wes you fool! With Juan and David gone, whose going to stir the pot? oh yeah, Tanner is still there.-Single D