Lisa and Dale kiss and make up but agree to dislike each other. Dislike is a mild term for what these two feel for each other! The quickfire challenge is to create a dish to pair with beer. I want that challenge! The chefs get to sample the beers (I want that challenge too) to decide which beer they will use. About half of the chefs say they don't drink and most of the other half say they don't drink beer so this should be interesting. It looked like most of the chefs just cooked what they wanted and didn't care if it went with the beer or not. The guest judge, the head chef of Chicago's Avec restaurant, had such a poker face, and a homely poker face it was, that no one could tell if she liked the dishes. Jen wins immunity with her shrimp and scallop beignets. I think the judge liked her. Spike was more than a little jealous that Jen got immunity and says "go lesbians, here we go." Play nice Spike.
The elimination challenge was to cook for a tail gate party and a Bear's football game. My husband is a Bears fan so he should love this. Call me when you tail gate a Colt's game! Spike, determined to win, goes straight for the wings and buys out the store's supply. Dale, not happy that Spike is doing wings, goes for the next best thing, ribs. There was everything from rack of lamb to the old standby burgers. After getting their dishes ready for the next day, the chefs go back to the house to unwind. Spike and Mark unwind in a bubble bath which offends some of the women. Lighten up ladies, they had clothes on and were on opposite sides of the tub!
The next day at Soldier Field, the chefs get their grills. They get a choice of charcoal or gas. No brainer, charcoal is always the way to go! For the football fans, Dale notices Gayle Sears, Refridgerator Perry and Richard Dent in the crowd. I would have forgotten what I was eating after seeing those guys!
Meanwhile, Spike is trying to make small talk with the fans asking them when was the last time the Bears won a superbowl. WRONG QUESTION! Stick to cooking Spike, you obviously are not a football fan.
Ryan works the crowd and everyone seems to like him even though he doesn't like football. Nikki made sausage and peppers. She ran out of the onions and peppers and didn't save any for the judges. How can you not save the food for the judges?! She said she didn't want to not serve the fans. Well, it's hard for a judge to judge your food if there isn't any!
Dale wins the challenge with his wings. Nikki was picked apart since she ran out of her dish and chose to serve shrimp on the side which didn't really go together with the sausage and peppers. Ryan wanted to serve up a whole menu complete with poached pears. I guess he didn't grasp the idea of a tail gate party. Mark also didn't get the tail gate idea. Maybe it's an Aussie thing, bu the judges pointed out that he tasted his food with the same spoon that he was stirring with. Health department please!
Ryan was told to pack his knives and go. The judges deemed his food inappropriate for a tail gate party and not even that good for a restaurant. Double D