Controversy is brewing in the BB House as Ryan tells Adam that he lip read Adam telling Natalie right when she was evicted that he voted to keep her. Cut to replays of Adam mouthing the words "I voted for you". Adam tells Ryan that he said "What do you want me to do?" Close but no cigar! Why would Adam tell Natalie that, when they both planned to do it that way in the first place. They made a Solomon like decision and left Sheila holding the sword. Was Adam trying to play Mr. Nice Guy, I know that's the way he views himself, a big goofy nice guy. Suspicions also arise because there is another preexisting couple in the Big Brother house (the guineas-sisters) and fingers are pointing to Sheila, as Ryan says, she's been around the block a couple of times. Jeez, can't an older woman get a break!
Ryan's HOH room is full of pictures of him and Jen and the corny letter from Jen had Adam in tears, especia
lly the part where Jen calls Adam, in her letter, her my little "unroasted peanut". More like unroasted Brazil nut if you asked me.

The luxury challenge features another movie premiere of "What Happens in Vegas". Teams of two, Ryan and Sharon, and Sheila and Adam have to break prop wine bottles to find the dice ring and claim squares on a board. Sheila perks up when she see the wine bottles and says that maybe this is her challenge. Can you say
wino? The winners get the movie, the premiere and a shopping spree and for the losers 24 hrs of chained togetherness. I think the funniest part was when the house guest put on padded wigs and Sheila kept complaining that Adam was breaking the wine bottles alittle too hard over her head, ya think? Of course, Sheila and Adam loses the challenge and now have to endure 24 hours chained madness. It cracked me up when Sheila kept ragging on Adam and making all kinds of faces about having to be chained to that lunatic, when the camera pans over to Adam sitting next to her the entire time, with his duh expression. Sheila better play nice as Ryan puts up Sharon and Sheila on the block and Adam is the deciding vote. Sheila, if you know what's
good for you, you will shut up and be nice to Adam. Maybe you should give him a kiss and a back rub so he won't vote you out, and remember to give him lots and lots tears and a sob story (remember his previous generous act of giving her $10 grand?), cause he's a sucker for those.-Single D

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