James and Amanda are not happy that Ozzy was blindsided. Amanda looks depressed and Parvati tries to do some damage control with James. James really surprised me with his insightful comments to her, you go James, ya take that! Amanda says she's not having any of it, but by the end of the episode, it seems she firmly initiated into the all girl tribe. Poor James, he's stuck with Eric and Jason, who both don't have a clue that the girls are scheming to get rid of the men, or in this case boys. Natalie has emerged as the ringleader of the women's tribe and boy as she self describes, is a cut throat, royal beeyatch. I'm wanting her gone, she irritates me!
The reward challenge is the "Survivor Auction", with yummy Jeff as the auctioneer. Each survivor is given $500.00 to buy food surprises. I was surprised that it really wasn't the same food fare as in previous seasons, of beer, hamburgers, spaghetti and such. They did have a 1/4 chocolate sheet cake, which Natalie buys and has to share with 3 other people to consume as much as they can in 30 seconds. The girls, Parvati, Cirie, Natalie and so and so, dig in with their fingers, stuffing chocolate cake into their greedy big mouths. Eric is salivating so much he offers Cirie $40.00 to lick her fingers and does. I was screaming! oohhh! My husband ran downstairs to see if I got injured or something, but I told him, I was just screaming because it was so gross! Now that's desperation! For one of the surprises that Natalie bought, she had to send someone to Exile island and take their cash. She chooses a protesting Jason, who gets a second chance to find the real immunity idol, which he does, of course. At first he didn't want to go, but then realized that Natalie wanted him to find the idol. Little does he know she has other plans for him. Oh what tangled webs we weave! Back to the auction, the one item that was given away was bat stew, which James scooped up for gratis and ate with gusto! Umm, he really does like that bat stew, you just need to take off the skin! ick!
Back at camp the girls are hatching a plot to do a double blindside by getting rid of Jason. Natalie works out all the details and is quite tickled pink with her sassy self. She says she will get on his good side so he will feel confident not to use the idol. If he doesn't win immunity, all will go as planned. The immunity challenge is a series of stunts previously done, and Eric emerges the winner for his 21st birthday. Nice gift.

Jason tells the camera that he feels comfortable enough that he will not have to use the idol tonight. I'm wondering why Amanda when she was talking to James and James said that he was writing down Parvati's name, why didn't they hatch a plan to get rid of Parv or Natalie. They could have rallied Jason and Eric, but NO, that's way too logical!
At tribal council, Jason has no idea that he is the target, although, I thought for a fleeting second, maybe James would be leaving. By a vote of 4 to 3 Jason is the second guy to be blindsided holding the immunity idol. Just goes to show you how ignorant and stupid the guys are, sorry guys, but you are! I'm thinking holding that immunity idol is a curse, it has yet to be played for the advantage of the beholder. Heed this warning all ye who finds it, use me quick or chance may find your fire snuffed!
And it looks like the women are in control, which is too bad for me, because I don't like any of them, and James and Eric's days are numbered. They better start praying to the Micronesia God to send them a miracle, but not another immunity idol!-Single D

It's the survivor auction with food for sale! Cirie bids $120 for a hot dog and fries. Erik bids $80 for a mystery dish but traded it for another dish. Good thing because his original dish was octopus and he traded into nachos. Natalie bought a mystery dish which turn out to be the bat stew. She didn't want it so James stepped up for some free food. Just don't look at the bat faces and you should be OK. Natalie buys a note in a bottle telling her to send someone to Exile island immediately and take their money. She sends Jason and gets the next bid of a chocolate cake to share with three others, the girls of course except for Amanda. They dive into the cake only after Natalie gets the first bite. The girls get their fill of cake and Erik actually bids to lick Cirie's fingers! YUK!! After being out in the wild for weeks, I don't which would be worse, licking fingers or having your fingers licked! Can I bid on Jeff?

The immunity challenge is one of those hard ones that come in sections. James must have gotten wind of the girls plan because he takes the lead and holds but in a last second lunge, Erik wins immunity.

At tribal, James votes for Parvati and Jason doesn't play the idol which earns him a ticket out of the jungle. Do these people ever learn? It seems the immunity idol is more of a curse than a blessing since no one elects to use it! Double D
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