Sheila is crying now that she is on the block-waaa, what like it was a surprise? The guys are conspiring to get rid of Sheila. I think they are just plain tried of listening to her whining! Poor Adam being tied to her for 24 hrs of pure torture. When Sheila's around S
haron and Ryan, Sheila acts like she hates Adam, but when they are alone laying on the bed, she tells Adam, "wouldn't it be amazing if we won the money?" What are they secretly married or something? Because Sheila sure acts like she's married to Adam, ridiculing him, disgusted by him, repulsed by him, wanting his money, sounds like I'm talking about my own marriage, just kidding! The POV is a sprint to the finish matching the evicted house guest with the clues. Ryan gets to play in this POV which I don't think is fair, we all know how good he is at details. Sheila doesn't have a chance or a clue, does she ever?

Of course, no surprise here, Ryan wins the POV, so he holds the super powers this week, HOH and POV. I'm wondering why no one ever targeted him in the house? Ryan has a trail of secret double dealing in the house, not to mention, money grabbing greed (remember the 10 grand grab from Shelia?), a trip to Vegas and a movie premiere & shopping spree in LA. This guy should have been out of the house long ago. Too late people!

Adam must be feeling a little exposed that so he tries to make a pack with Sharon, that if she promises him final two, he won't vote her out (he's the deciding vote). Sharon being the good girl (she's really honest, unbelievable!) can't make that promise and runs to tell Ryan that Adam is trying to make a deal. This sets doubt in Ryan's mind that maybe he should pull Sharon off the block and put up Adam, well maybe for about 2 seconds. During the veto ceremony, Ryan decides not to use the veto, leaving Sharon and Sheila at the mercy of Adam. Now previously, they guys wanted Sheila out, but has Sheila gotten to Adam with all her crying? Adam ge
ts up and tells them that he votes to evict....Sharon (who secretly has a deal with Ryan)! Sharon graciously leaves and Sheila starts bawling. Little do we know that an hour previously, Adam convinced Ryan that they should vote out Sharon because she is a stronger player and that they should keep Sheila because they would be able to get rid of her in the end. Good move on their part, since if Sharon went to the final two, she'd probably end up winning. Gee someone winning Big Brother by playing fair? Unheard of!

The three part HOH features the first challenge called "Up the Creek". House guest are on a mini surf board, holding on to a rein while water is pouring down on them. I knew Sheila would not be able to do this. Double D's favorite saying, "Weak as Water!". After 33 minutes, Sheila is cold and tired. Sheila complains that she's frighten of water since she almost drowned once (hey Sheila, that was eight years ago!). Adam and Ryan during the whole time, are psyching her out, so what else, she gives up. Adam and Ryan make a deal to go to the end and so Adam lets go.
The second challenge features a large hamster wheel with a maze inside which has balls with the house guest faces on it. Sheila and Adam have to get the balls out in the order of eviction in the fastest time. In the hamster wheel, Sheila complains that she is getting nauseated. Good grief, is there nothing she can do? Time reveal that Adam's 13 minutes beat out Sheila's 33 minutes, so it's on to the final round with Adam and Ryan going up against each other. We all know the last challenge is a series of A or B questions. Fairly simple, but Adam missed one and Ryan went on to win HOH again!
Immediately, he has to evict either Adam or Sheila. He votes to evict a sobbing Sheila. Now here's my take on the final two, Adam and Ryan. To me, it appears that they are both equal candidates. Both strong, both fierce competitors, both back stabbers, although Adam would get my vote as being the nicer, gentler, kinder one and I think he probably has a good chance of winning the house vote. Now if Ryan voted to keep Sheila, I think Ryan would had a better chance of winning against Sheila, because really, what has Sheila done? Nothing! Cried, whimpered, sobbed, looked sloppy, and rode the coat tails of Adam. I don't think she had a flying pigs chance of winning the whole enchilada. So in the end, let the chips fall where they may, I'm hoping for Adam to win and I think Sheila is hoping that too, because knowing what a teddy bear Adam is, he will probably give her 10 grand. See you at the finale-Single D

POV challenge is to match a jury member with two clues. Everyone but Ryan gets stuck on Chelsia. Ryan becomes the "power whore" that he wanted to be by winning POV. Looks like that power is going to his head. I agree with Single D, they should have got him out when they had the chance.

HOH competition is the rising river complete with thunderstorms. The three are on boogie boards holding on to a skiers tow rope while being pummeled with icy cold water. Sheila drops out first, no surprise there and Ryan & Adam make a deal that if Adam drops out it will be Sheila leaving next. So Adam drops out.

At the jury house, Natalie is second guessing her feeling about Matt. Apparently Matt is being mean to her. I still say Matt better watch out for her. It's a good thing they live on opposite sides of the country, he in New York and her in, say it with me kids, the beaver state of Oregon.
Back to round 3 of the HOH competition, which statement did the jury member say. Ryan & Adam were neck and neck until Adam missed one question leaving Ryan with HOH. Adam & Sheila plead there cases to Ryan with Sheila turning on the water works. Ryan evicts Sheila which gets her crying all over again.

Next up......who will win the $500,000? Double D
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