It should be a team effort to clean the kitchen after the firing of Jason, but Corey's had enough and goes upstairs to rest, can you say lazy! Chef Ramsay calls the crew in the next morning and ask each team who is the strongest. For the girls they chose Jen and for the guys, Petrozza. Chef Ramsay demonstrates how to make homemade pasta, not an easy feat. Cranking pasta through the pasta machine looks like hard work. Maybe that's why he asked for the strongest, because they will be the one cranking the machine. The challenge, to crank out as much homemade pasta. And of course the pasta has to be up to the Ramsay standard. They drape the pasta over the arms of their teammates to let it dry properly. The guys pasta weighs in at 5.48. It didn't look like the girls pasta even came in close, but they weighed in at 6.57, whoo hoo! The reward for the girls is a fun day at the Santa Monica Pier. Boy I remember that from my childhood days, when my mom would drive us down there. Back then it was called POP, or Pacific Ocean Pier. My mother, brother and I would ride the Tilt A Whirl and laugh till our sides ached. Then we would eat fried clams and clam chowder at the Pier restaurant, ah, but I wax nostalgic.
Meanwhile, the guys have to prep the kitchen for the evenings service. This evening service is "family style". Plates of pasta, hamburgers, and onion rings, yum!

At the dinner service, the guys are trying to win this challenge, but Matt sends out chicken wings that are raw-which sets Chef Ramsay off-what are you trying to kill the children? The girls are doing good until, Vanessa reaches for a pan which has hot oil and is burned badly enough to be taken to the hospital. The girls being down one, now have to get their stuff together. Ben thinks the guys are in the lead and starts to congratulate everyone, until Chef Ramsay burst his bubble by telling the guys that they still have six tickets to the girls two tickets. Poor Ben, he feels like such a fool. It's a race to finish the dinner service, but the girls manage to win even with being one girl down and Jen emerges a strong finisher. Chef Ramsay chooses Bobby to select two losing chefs to go up on the block. Bobby chooses Craig, describing him as a broken compass, no matter what situation he's in, he's lost. Matt also is chosen for putting out the raw chicken. Chef Ramsay wants one more sacrificial lamb and calls out Ben as well. Ben defends himself by saying that he will give 110% and Matt says I'll give you 125% with Craig standing there mute as he says he's not good with numbers. What a stupid thing to say, hello, keep the mouth shut. But too late, Chef Ramsay suffers no fools and Craig is sent packing.-Single D
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