Bretton Woods, NH Mt. Washington Hotel. This is one huge beautiful place! It reminds me a bit of the Stanley Hotel in Colorado. Mt. Washington is 105 years old and is the scene of apparitions, doors that open & close as well as lights turning on & off. A Princess Caroline would come to the hotel "in season" and bring her own bed. The princess died in the 1930's and the hotel still has the bed which guests have seen a woman sitting on the bed.
Steve & Tango go into the south tower, where employees used to stay, and hear odd noises. They decide to do some EVP work and ask the spirit to come to them and they hear what could be a footstep.
J & G go to the princess' room to do EVP work. They ask the princess if she minds if anyone sleeps in her bed and hear a noise which turns out to be the heat kicking on.
Tango & Kris go to the ballroom where Kris displays a little aggression toward the spirits by daring them to push her or Tango. Go Kris! Nothing happens and they leave. You should have double dog dared them Kris!
It's J & G's turn in the south tower and they also hear sounds right away. One of the sounds turns out to be a piece of glass falling a few feet away. Jason tries to match the glass to the windows around the area but is unable to find where it came from. They do EVP work telling the spirits they are plumbers (which they are) and they are there to check out the plumbing. Way to bond with the ghosts guys! They hear definite footsteps then Grant walks into what feels like a heavy cobweb and finds there is nothing there.
The findings - nothing on video but on audio you can hear the footsteps J & G heard in the south tower. Also on audio in the princess room, it appears the princess (or someone) is trying to communicate with the investigators. The tape picks up someone saying, "hello is someone there?" and "of course I'm here, where are you."
Research shows that the hotel is built on granite which is believed to fuel paranormal activity. The team declares the hotel haunted. The princess seems happy enough and probably won't be going anywhere any time soon.
Case #2 takes us back to Rhode Island and the Ruffstone Tavern. The building dates to 1873. Reports are perfume smells, doors opening, dishes breaking and general creepy feelings. Gee, I get that feeling going to work sometimes.
J & G try to debunk the perfume smell and find cleaning supplies stored with the mints and beverages. I hope the health department isn't watching! They find the source of the smell in a rarely used drawer. One of the shelves in the kitchen was not level which explains the dishes falling and breaking.
Kris & Tango go to the basement, hear noises and get spikes on the EMF detector. J & G also go to the basement and find that the high EMF readings are coming from the wiring which will explain the creepy feelings.
Apparently the building was used as a speak easy during prohibition. Tango had never heard the term. Does he even know about prohibition? Either he is younger than I thought or I am getting older than I thought! Thanks alot Tango, I'm depressed now.
The team manages to debunk everything and declare the premises ghost free. Double D
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