I was disappointed. Sure it was a pretty even match, but come on Donald, just because he kinda cheated and called in some favors to raise money for the final event when it wasn't a fund raiser, was that fair? Gumption, I call it cheating. Cheating's cheating. I thought it should have been based solely on whose production of 7up the Uncola was the best. Marlee getting the retro voice of Jeffery from the original 7up commercial from the 70's was a stroke of genius. Yes, I liked the can design from John Rich's group, zebra stripes but that whole 20 minutes of no Def Leopard on stage and not greeting the Donald and execs when they came in should have been huge negatives in John Rich's campaign. But I guess for Trump, it's all about the money, and money won out. Marlee did a fantastic job nonetheless, even if she did look like the Jolly Green Giant's little sister in that green outfit. I did like John Rich's photo shoot, who can deny a guy in a cowboy hat? Wonder what he really looks like without the hat?

Which brings me to the premiere of the Bachelorette, Ashley. Don't know why she didn't get rid of the masked man. He's creepy and it looks like he keeps the mask on for the upcoming episodes, even while taking a crap on the toilet. One word, weird. Enough is enough, apparently he doesn't have enough confidence to show his real self although he says it's just the opposite. He kept saying that he wasn't here to party, but hey, wearing a mask, isn't that for parties? Fortunately for Ashley she has quite a good selection of guys. Somehow, I'm thinking the producers told her to keep Bentley, whom she knows from a girlfriend who called her to tell her before the show that Bentley has ulterior motives. He even said that he was hot for previous season winner, Emily. Poor Ashley, stupid is as stupid does. I'm sure she must have felt some conflict keeping him, so why go against instinct, because the producers say so (I'm thinking, because where's the drama if she lets him go?). She got rid of the drunk, too bad, because he totally dissed the masked man by putting pillows between them like he was some kind of leper. Ok, so he was drunk and he's a liquor distributor. Hummm, not a good combination. I like the cell phone salesman, he had a nice smile :) and hey, free phones, what more can a girl ask for? The three guys she should have kept were Anthony the butcher (seemed really nice, even if he does have that Bronx accent), Chris M & Jon, two cuties which deserved a chance rather than Bentley who is just taking up space. Boo go home I hate you already!