Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Big Brother Season 11-Finale-Jordan Wins!!
First off, let me say this, did Julie Chen join the Snuggie Cult? I know she's got a pea in the pod, a bun in the oven, an egg incubating, but did she have to wear her snuggie from home? Usually she's quite chic, baby or not, but that blue slippery moo moo thing she was wearing was just awful. Did she need the big sleeves to hide the key she was inserting into the lock for America's vote? If that was the case, then why didn't they just put
in the key before the show that would have solved that and she could have worn something stylish.
Now on to the finale. Wasn't that the greatest thing since chocolate cake? Jordan really came through in the end when she won the last challenge. I was OMG, she misses the Jeff question and then it comes down to a tie. We all know Kevin's pretty smart, a barracuda underneath all that foo foo, so I didn't think Jordan had a whip of a chance with that last question that involved of all things, math! I'm like OMG, she's going to lose! When Julie announced 51 to Jordan's 50 and to Kevin's 80, whoo hoo!
Wasn't it cute how Jeff defended Jordan in the BB house? He's more like her big brother than would be bofriend. Lydia is still gross as ever, Jessie's still a meat head, and Russell is just plain Russell.
Jordan decides to take Natalie to the finish, good choice, but I was sad that Kevin didn't win second place. $50 grand could buy a lot of scarves! I was so totally shocked when Jessie voted for Jordan. I think all that sniveling chatter that Natalie did about how she piggyback on the strongest players worked against her. Just showed how parasitic and annoying she was. Of course Jordan was still in the dark about just how deceitful Natalie played the game, how it was like good vs. evil. Jordan is just plain naive. Well, good for her winning, let's hope she doesn't give it all away. "I'm gonna buy my mama and brother and me a house, give my aunt some money for her kids to go to college", (do you know how expensive college is?) and maybe buy a car. Now you can afford to take Jeff to Hawaii, except girl, I think he's more into that friend's with benefits thing.
This turned out to be a better season than I had expected. I thought it was going to be an Evel Dick ending and then I would have to swear off ever watching Big Brother again!-Single D

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