Sunday's come to a screeching halt with the finales of Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice. For me it was like ordering a hot fudge sundae and not getting the hot fudge and whipped cream. I was so disappointed with the finale winners of Tammi and Victor on Amazing Race, just because I wanted the underdogs of Margie and Luke to win this whole thing. I think all of America was probably rooting for them. At the beginning of the episode I didn't think Margie and Luke had a chance up against Tammi and Victor. I knew Jamie and Cara would get messed up somehow, like every episode gone before. Those two can't get a break. They get stuck with the wrong taxi drivers in every country they've been in, with Maui as no exception. When their taxi driver called the dispatcher to get directions, her reply was, " tell them that I am not their personal concierge". Well, so much f
or the Aloha spirit and Hawaiian Hospitality! When Margie and Luke pass up the other two teams carrying a 145 lb pig on the beach to a luau to be cooked, Margie showed her brawn by not dropping the albino pig once. I'd hate to be the guest for this luau cookout. It is here that I get a bit excited when they make it out first and onto the jet ski to find their next clue. Mother Margie drove that jet ski like a real pro, but her stress was showing when she kept yelling at Luke to stop yelling at her. Mom, mom! Could he hear her, because she certainly wasn't signing as she was driving the jet ski.

When they re
ach the final roadblock, Luke had such a lead, I thought for sure he's going to ace this thing, the finale challenge that he's been preparing for the entire trip according to Margie. He makes quick work of finding all the correct surfboards with the correct pictures, but then gets stymied on the last two for China. I think the pressure got to him as the other teams start sifting through the surfboards and when Luke gets stumped he gets all whacked out and loses his cool. Right there and then I knew it was a hopeless cause. When Tammi and Victor crossed the finish line, I was so disgusted, I quickly turned it to the Celebrity Apprentice, but by then, I had missed the first hour which appeared that much wasn't happening except Joan pissing off her designer. Joan vs. Annie, what else do we need to know? I don't know what happened to Joan's designer, but Annie had to tell everyone she talked to that Joan pissed off her designed. She told that story over and over with such glee that by the time she hashed it over with Tom Green, he was like, "to be cut down by Joan is a badge of honor" and practically told her to shut up. Go Green!

Just the facts, Annie raises or in this case strong arms her friends out of $400,000 to Joan's $150,000. The only reason Annie made so much money is that all her friends are afraid of her. God that woman is really scary, why wouldn't she be liken to some of history's greatest dictators? Go Joan. Come on Annie, everyone's tired of your sob story that Joan liken you to Hilter, get over it, it's just a game!
Needless to say it was sweet justice when the Donald pronounced to Annie, I just want to say to you (at which point Annie thought he was going to tell her she was the celebrity apprentice), did you notice how she jumped? But instead he told her she was fired! The Donald's a smart man, he knew he had to give the crown to Joan, the only thing Annie had going for her was bucks, but bottom line, it's not all about money, it's also about other things, like likability, personality and respect. The world loves Joan. Annie, you are after all, just a "pokaa playaar"!-Single D