Henry-too cute in his sweater!-Single D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Momma's Boys-Caribbean Dates
Well it's almost a wrapped up for this season's momma's boys and it looks like momma's boys maybe cutting the apron strings with the exception of Michael, who has shown that he doesn't have any back bone. He lets his mother Lorraine do the dirty job of axing Meghan. He says he can't chose and that it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Oh boo hoo! I think the hardest thing he'll ever have to do is stand up to his mothe
r. So what if Meghan's a playboy bunny, at least she's probably got bank.

Next it's Rob's turn to send one of his girls home. He had such a hot date with Camilla, he even bought her jewelry, isn't that somewhat of a commitment? I'm wondering if Camilla is just in it for the game against Esther. Somehow I was trying to picture Rob and Camilla married. Kinda of a stretch but hey, maybe it could work. I've seen couples like that, but one thought always comes to mind
, the guy must be rich. Camilla of course would have to convert to Judaism which I'm not picturing. Esther was hoping he would get rid of Camilla and keep Nikki, but Rob took it like a man and chose Camilla over her, but it was not without his sniffling that he broke Nikki's heart and his mother's. Wa wa. His mother should get down on her knees that someone like Camilla would even look twice at Rob, oye vey, he's not exactly Brad Pitt. More like Brad Pitty. But I was glad he kept Camilla although mother Esther is pining her hopes for Lauren.

y, Jojo stood up to the wrath of his demonic mother. Mommy dearest his just not feeling it for both girls. Now you would think with them being white and all Mrs. B would be happy. Well she's not and she's really not feeling it for Mindy and makes the offensive comment that her boobs are too big! Whoa Mrs. B have you looked down lately. Your boobs are huge and going south fast! Let's face it, with all the drama Mrs. B puts on about the color of one's skin, it was all just a pretense. She just doesn't think and will never think that anyone will be good enough for her Jojo. That woman needs therapy. Didn't Shakespeare write about this forbidden Oedipal lusting? At least Jojo stood up to her and followed his heart by telling Mindy that he was falling for her. Hurrah. Now it remains to be seen if he can stand behind his decision. -Single D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Bachelor-Jason Single Dad

The bachelorettes move into the villa in Malibu. At first I'm like thinking where is this place? Looks more like Palm Springs than Malibu. If I owned a mansion in Malibu, it better have an ocean view. My sister-in-law Nancy, pet sits for the doctor she works for and he has a condo in Malibu. It's like walk down the steps and out onto the beach. She says nothing is better that lying in the bedroom hearing the surf pounding the shore. Now that's my idea of Malibu. Don't get me wrong, that mansion is beautiful. It reminds me of some Italian Villa in Siena. The girls finally get to move in. Where did they stay before? That day, Jason makes a stop at the mansion to get some casual time on with the girls before the serious dating thing begins. Jason joins the girls at the pool and then does a strip tease down to his trunks. You could see all eyes rivet to Jason slo
mo pulling off his shirt. Did he do that on purpose? I know he must have loved that. What guy wouldn't? Shannon is the first to be aggressive and tells Jason she wants to rub sunscreen on his back, all the while professing her love and knowledge of his entire history, can you say stalker! She's downright scary and desperate. Stephanie wants one on one time, but isn't aggressive enough against all the sharks. The pool party rose goes to Jillian, you know, hot dog mystic from Canada. Jason takes Jillian to the Disney Concert Hall somewhere in L.A. Never heard of it and never heard of the lounge singer, Robin Thicke. Is he Alan Thicke's brother or something? I guess he's best left in the lounges. I found the whole thing awkward and corny.

Melissa gets the second date, She drives me crazy, just a little too perky, Miss Cheerleader. Melissa gets a lunch on the beach, my kind of date but she seems really too young for him and much too young to assume the role of mother. While on the beach, a blimp hovers over head. There Melissa with prompting from Jason tells her to ask it (th
e blimp) questions like it were the magic eight ball or something. The blimp ask if they would like a ride. I'm like thinking, yo remember the Hindenburg? Oh yeah, they're both too young! sigh!

The third date is the group date where Jason takes everyone clothes shopping. Hey, these girls lucked out. Next it's on to another pool party where Jason attempts to get his groove on. White guys just can't dance. Molly out of the bunch gets the final rose.
Raquel's feeling left out of all the dates sneaks into the limo that brought back the girls. Clever, but I'm thinking her English not too good which will surely be her undoing. Pretty but not marriage material.
The elimination party, Stephanie tells the girls of her husbands plane crash, which I missed because I was yelling at my husband. Lisa tells Jason she has to leave because her grandma has cancer. I'm like who is she? I really didn't see her the entire time, so I guess good choice for her to leave anyway. It's Sharon, the teacher who gave up her day job to be on the show and Raquel, the Brazilian beauty, I knew her communication would be her undoing. I guess she'll have to find another ticket to America. And hey girls, keep your day job. One thing we learn this episode, Jason makes quick work out of kissing all the girls whenever he gets the chance. Well, I guess you have to try on the shoes before you buy them. -Single D
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