Well it's almost a wrapped up for this season's momma's boys and it looks like momma's boys maybe cutting the apron strings with the exception of Michael, who has shown that he doesn't have any back bone. He lets his mother Lorraine do the dirty job of axing Meghan. He says he can't chose and that it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Oh boo hoo! I think the hardest thing he'll ever have to do is stand up to his mothe
r. So what if Meghan's a playboy bunny, at least she's probably got bank.

Next it's Rob's turn to send one of his girls home. He had such a hot date with Camilla, he even bought her jewelry, isn't that somewhat of a commitment? I'm wondering if Camilla is just in it for the game against Esther. Somehow I was trying to picture Rob and Camilla married. Kinda of a stretch but hey, maybe it could work. I've seen couples like that, but one thought always comes to mind
, the guy must be rich. Camilla of course would have to convert to Judaism which I'm not picturing. Esther was hoping he would get rid of Camilla and keep Nikki, but Rob took it like a man and chose Camilla over her, but it was not without his sniffling that he broke Nikki's heart and his mother's. Wa wa. His mother should get down on her knees that someone like Camilla would even look twice at Rob, oye vey, he's not exactly Brad Pitt. More like Brad Pitty. But I was glad he kept Camilla although mother Esther is pining her hopes for Lauren.

y, Jojo stood up to the wrath of his demonic mother. Mommy dearest his just not feeling it for both girls. Now you would think with them being white and all Mrs. B would be happy. Well she's not and she's really not feeling it for Mindy and makes the offensive comment that her boobs are too big! Whoa Mrs. B have you looked down lately. Your boobs are huge and going south fast! Let's face it, with all the drama Mrs. B puts on about the color of one's skin, it was all just a pretense. She just doesn't think and will never think that anyone will be good enough for her Jojo. That woman needs therapy. Didn't Shakespeare write about this forbidden Oedipal lusting? At least Jojo stood up to her and followed his heart by telling Mindy that he was falling for her. Hurrah. Now it remains to be seen if he can stand behind his decision. -Single D

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