Again I miss the first fifteen minutes of this episode, I really need to brush my teeth earlier! I came into the episode where Stella is saying that can she make something Diane would like? Now's the time to do something pretty Stella, not during the car challenge! When she said Diane, I knew it was Von Fu
rstenberg, who else? Everyone was saying something about a Shanghai to Berlin story which to me sounded like a sound bite from some Indy movie or like some catalog description out of that Peterman catalog, you know the one where there is great intrigue surrounding a trench coat, which always made me want to buy it. Joe is inspired by Shanghai and is doing something of a Shanghai top with an open back. I was wondering why just a top, couldn't he done a full on Mandarin dress like that? Korto is loving her yellow fabric peeking through her dress which Tim says, it looks like bra straps. Me, I'm loving the yellow to with that striped material which screams Von Furstenberg! Meanwhile, Stella gets the story wrong and ends up in a wrong country, probably a country where they all wear leather. The winner of this challenge will get to sell their design to American Express cardholders online under the Diane label. This perplexes me, why only American Express? Doesn't sound like a wide audience. Kenley is so excited, like I've only sold to Walmart and Kmart, duh. And what was Kenley wearing during the runway show, purple ostrich shoulder pads?

Joe was so loving his outfit, if he could have kiss his ass he would have. I guess love is blind, because that outfit was auful! Blayne did knickers again and identifies with Diane, she's into tanning too! The judges hated Stella's Dracula Cape and Michael Kors said her crotch on the pants looked like there was something missing. Hey Michael, it's a girl for heaven's sake!

I just didn't get Suede's Berlin inspired outfit. What was Berlin about it, the vest made of tweed? Isn't that more British? Michael Kors said it looked like the model got dressed in the dark-ouch! Leanne wins this challenge with her midnight blue evening dress and that I stole my grammie bed jacket. I'm wondering how many orders she'll get for that? Poor Stella was aufed by the judges because she really can't do pretty. Best left designing rocker outfits and biker chics. -Single D