I had to crack up when Jerry fell in the pool trying to read the sky writing. Oophs there's a pool there Jerry! That's probably the only time he went swimming! At least he didn't break a hip or something and we never did find out what it was that sky writing was about.

I'm thinking Memphis is getting cocky by playing all sides. He has a pact with Jerry, a pact with Dan the original Renegades, and a pact with Keesha. Dan says that if he uses the POV on him, he should show a signal like throwing out a bandanna or something. What are ya in a gang? Can Memphis be trusted? The POV was the morphing competition where they blend the faces of two house guest together. I always love this challenge, it's funny to see what kind
of babies the house guest would make. Renny thought her baby picture was the cutest, her morphed with Jesse. She must have spent five minutes just gazing at her lovely countenance, but she had the hardest time recognizing Jerry-hey who else has a bald head in the house? The ugliest babies by far were Keesha and Steven, as well as Memphis and Libra. Memphis has the fastest time and wins the POV and keeps his word to Dan and takes him off the block. Poor Renny has to go up in his stead. We all know the outcome to this so the next episode they could have fast forward to Renny's eviction, no surprises there. Jerry in his own sly way is trying to stir up the pot in the house by saying that Memphis has a pact with everyone, which is true. Poor Jer
ry, he's never going to find a true partner to take him to the end. How he's gotten this far is beyond me.

It was a sweet moment when Keesha and Renny were having their last meal together and had a mother-daughter bonding moment. Doesn't Renny look like she always completely drunk on every episode? Entering the Big Brother house must be like going into rehab. This episode there was a lot of laying on the beds. Did ya notice Memphis was still wearing his mic in bed? What a good little house guest!
Big Brother gives us a peek in the Big Brother jury house, not much happening there.

April still hates Keesha
April gets teary eyed seeing Ollie suffer on the swing vine
April still loves Ollie
April says yes to being Ollie's girl-say it with me, awww
Michelle still hates Dan
Renny's exit was gracious as a grand southern dame can be. Was she ever in that Ya Ya Sisterhood movie? -Single D
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