After the hasty departure of Michelle and Ollie, poor Jerry is a man without an island. He's telling his fellow house guest talk to me which Renny promptly ignores. She claims she has nothing to say to him because in the world according to Renny, it doesn't involve in the insane, the absurd or the kooky. She can't even make superficial chit chat, but she does go round and round with Dan about how it's two hours behind California time. What planet is she from? Oh yeah, planet Renny.

I knew things would be going too smooth if one of the four would win HOH and of course, Murphy's law prevailed or in this case Jerry's law. We all knew Renny's answers would be in left field, but come on Memphis, he can't remember dates or aim straight! If Keesha would have played I'm thinking she would have won. Dan tried his hardest to make the correct slot but he over shot one answer which to his detriment ended up making him lose to Jerry. This game was right up Jerry's alley, I guess all that shuffleboard practice came in handy! I hate to admit it because our side lost, but it was a good game. Up in his HOH room, his fellow house guest has to listen to the story of Hissy the toy snake, whic
h of course seemed to go on and on and on, thank God for fast forward. Funny how once Jerry won HOH, Renny is all smiles up in his HOH room. Renny why don't you tie that feather boa a little tighter? After Memphis seals his deal with Jerry not to go on the block, the question would be who would sit next to my bofriend Dan. This episode was boring in that there was little drama, now that all the drama queens have left the building. His choice for nomination, Dan and Keesha which proved good strategy on Jerry's part, dividing the house votes and since he wants my bofriend gone, he would cast the deciding vote if tied. Poor Dan, now I have to hope that Dan will win the POV and Jerry to replace it with Renny. Question is will Dan win and will Jerry do that?-Single D

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