Didn't ya all think, what was Dan thinking when he made those three promises to Ollie. I thought Dan better start praying for a miracle. Oh, did I tell you, Dan's my new boyfriend? (well at least in my dreams!) Don't cha know it, when a house guest starts to brag about being in the sweet spot, his time is up? Ollie don't get too comfortable. The call from home goes to Jerry as my daughter says, he should get it, he doesn't have long to live. Nice! The POV is 2001 Space Odyssey, put the puzzle pieces together. Keesha surprises everyone by winning the first heat and Memphis wins the second one. I
guess God must be listening to Dan, because Memphis wins the POV and takes himself off and everything is going Dan's way. I cracked up with Dan's little calling out who would you nominate POV replacement roulette. It all happened so fast, I think Michelle and Ollie's heads were still spinning when he named Michelle as the replacement. Michelle was so shocked, smoke was coming out her ears. Her eyes bugged out and I thought she was going to spit up nails. I wouldn't want to cross her in real life. She'll take a contract out on you. Michelle and Ollie think Dan is a BB plant and not of the green kind. Julie tells the house that this evening will be one weeks worth of house playing, a double eviction. First, it's Michelle evicted, then HOH has Keesha winning again, just by shear luck at guessing and then the nominations by her of who else is left? Jerry and Ollie. Poor Jerry, can his heart taking another nomination? Give the poor old guy a break. I do feel for him. He's kinda reined in his hot temper and mouth. Dan c
ame out gangbusters trying to find that veto in a haystack and Dan wins the POV giving the house the perfect set up for getting rid of enemy number 2-Ollie.-Single D

I'm late again, but only because my cable company decided I didn't need the Internet for a few days. That said......Yes, I too wondered what was going on in Dan's mind when he offered so much power t
o Ollie. I figured he must have a grand plan. It didn't go so much as he wanted but it all worked out in the end. With everyone dressed up like rejects from The Right Stuff, Memphis wins POV and Dan tries to pit everyone against each other with his elimination roulette which I thought put a big hairy target on his back, but no, he ends up smelling like a rose, again. Which is fine by me, I would like to see him win. Dan seems to be the only one really playing a game but, unfortunately for him, everyone in the jury house, with the possible exception of Libra, is out for his blood. Now that Ollie is in there, you know he will try and turn everyone against Dan.

After Dan puts Michelle up on the block, Ollie goes on a rampage destroying the house which made Renny so nervous that she asked the producers how long they were going to let this go on. According to the live feeds, Ollie didn't stop at throwing lollipops but went on to throw chairs, more food and we all saw him in the backyard with the workout equipment and a table. Did anyone bother to tell Ollie that this is a game?

Keesha wins the next HOH which she kind of gets screwed since it's only for a day and she doesn't get the perk of having her own room. I know, it's not like she hasn't had it already. Anyway, she puts up Jerry & Ollie, Dan wins POV but doesn't use it and Ollie is evicted. At least now he can go cry to April. Double D
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