We last left the house guest hanging on a jungle swing getting body slammed by BB. How many challenges are going to spill over on to the next episode? I hate that! Not that I lose sleep over it or anything, I just like getting to the business of whose the next HOH. I guess for the guys it must have been a nut numbing experience, squeezing one's thighs to hold on like that, that's gotta hurt. Dan was the smart one wearing that windbreaker, like Double D said, did he get an inside clue? Eventually, one by one fell off and almost had to be carried off the ground because their legs were useless, leaving Dan and Ollie to battle it out. D
an was determined and a little pale I might add and Ollie was shivering like crazy, guess he didn't get the insider tip. I'm so sadistic, I wanted the rain to be continual, someone would have fallen off real quick! I guess if you're tortured long enough one will make any promise to the opposing side to let them win and in this case Dan gave away the house, promising Ollie that he'll get one choice and the pick of POV. I guess Dan is too saintly to ask for exemption from eviction for the next go round since he didn't even lobby for himself. He's either stupid, not very smart or too sanctimonious, I'm thinking the latter. And with this Ollie lets Dan have the HOH room to let him see his precious Monica (I thought he was making that up since he seems so virginal), but Ollie will be calling the shots. There was a moment of doubt (good editing) whether Dan would keep his promise to Ollie, but we knew he would have to go to confession and beg for redemption if he broke his word, so in the end, Dan put u
p Jerry and Memphis for eviction. Now it remains to be seen if Renny will keep her word to keep Memphis. She has a thing for him and I'm not talking about sex! She doesn't want him around, as she says, "he's a dog" Hey is that Renny's pink hair dryer in the sauna room?-Single D

That whole jungle vine thing didn't look like much fun especially when they started slamming into the wall. At least the house guests had water balloons to throw at each other to keep their minds off numb body parts. I hope no one did any irreversible damage to their nether regions! I'm sure CBS has those waivers handy.
What was Dan thinking giving Ollie control like that? Did he really have to see a picture of his girlfriend that bad? Dude, it's just a picture, it's not like she is really in the HOH room waiting for you! I hope it was worth it. Dan did keep playing the game seeming the weak, whipped puppy and turned on the fake water works when he read his letter from Monica. He really does deserve an Oscar! Later, Ollie tells Dan his pick for elimination is Memphis and you could see the blood run from Dan's face. Dan goes right off to solidify his alliance with Keesha and Renny and tries to put Memphis at ease about going on the block.

I know we have said time and again that Renny is strange, but what is up with her and wanting to know about Dan's love life? I'm thinking she wants to find out if he really is a virgin and she is going to pull a Mrs. Robinson.
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