Well, was it a hero or a villain who made his departure last Thursday? I guess there would be controversy over that one. For many, a total and devasting loss, sniff! Rob still couldn't get his head around Tyson's departure. Wait till he hears that it was Tyson that brought his own undoing. Without Rob leading the challenge, who is worthy to take the reins? Everyone on the villains tribe is so villainous that it positively made Boston Rob look saintly with the biggest devil (Russell) still playing at the mind control games and this time on easily swayed Jerri. You so knew she'd switch with just a tidbit of a promise she flip flops like a fish out of water. How can anyone be so blinded by that evil Hobbit (who said that?) Russell? Coach blames Jerri for his making a pact with the devil, for crying out loud, stop playing that bulls--t nobility crap! What was with that cowardly vote for Courtney, so you can tell your conscience that you still are true to your word? BS! That non vote was the nail that sealed Boston Robs fate, if anything, why couldn't he swayed Jerri to vote for Courtney, then the two could have battled it out, let the chips fall where they may. Guess his manly persuasion doesn't work so well on Jerri, contrary to his egotist mind. Well, with Boston Rob gone will the villains be able to win any challenges since he led them to win so many times. Let's take stock, Courtney is good for nothing (but baring her bony body) and should have been long gone, Coach is not really a strong player although he pretends he is (in his own mind), and gives it that old school try, the other girls together are not much of a threat not like Candice on the heroes tribe (she's strong!) and Russell, well, I'm sure he employs mind control over the heroes to lose. So in all, villains appear not to be so much of a threat with their biggest player gone. Too bad, yes, Boston Rob made amends this time around and really showed some character telling Jerri, you just do what you have to do to get yourself further in the game. What tell that skank to take a hike! The only way Jerri is going any further in this game is riding the coattails of someone else which was Coach, but will he still let her? He needs to dump her, come on Coach, let your ego go, you don't need her stroking. Geez, men are so stupid!
So glad that the heroes won both challenges which they sorely needed to boost their bruised egos especially Colby who redeemed himself and proved to his tribe that he needed to be there. Now if they can keep it up to the merge then let the chaos begin. Looks like next week the leaderless villains try to devour each other, should be fun, I love to watch people self-destruct!-Single D