That is about the smartest thing Benry has said all season. In fact that is probably the first complete sentence I heard him say and something I plan to tell my daughter any time she wants to quit playing her violin-"Quitters never win, and Winners never quit", thank you Benry!
This whole episode centered around NaOnka and probably much to her delight as she is watching from the comfort of her living room surrounded by mirrors because she loves herself soooo much. I'm betting that if NaOnka didn't quit, because Jeff asked her first at tribal, I'm wondering if Purple Kelly would have quit? Purple Kelly is a follower and doesn't have a strong bone in her 98 pounds of weakness.
Let's face it, you have watched Survivor season after season. You see how totally grueling and lacking of the comforts of home, how there's no food, no water, being covered in filth and mud and eating roots and rice and peeing in the ocean. How tropical storms are torrential and non-stop, sleeping on palm fronds (which sounds romantic, maybe in "Blue Lagoon") with just the bathing suit on your back and now once chosen to be a survivor start crying and whining how this is the hardest thing I have ever done! Granted Purple Kelly hasn't been alive that long to experience any pain and suffering and therefore is way too immature to be there. What is she 10?
NaOnka on the other hand, she just plain dumb. She didn't think it through to the end, she put in her 28 days (hey isn't that a scary movie?), can say she was a cast of Survivor and wear it as a badge of accomplishment. More like the hall of embarrassment if you ask me. I mean, I could somewhat understand when they won the reward challenge she wasn't giving up that reward even if she just told Jeff she wasn't going to stay, because hell, she fought 110% and dang napit, she was going on reward because she deserved it. I can understand that and you gotta respect that she didn't cave in to the pressure of everyone wanting her to give up her spot so that the others could have a tarp and more rice. Let see, give other who in desperate need of shelter and food, naw, I want my reward and I want it now! But crimmy, she was leaving, going to sleep in a real bed, get a hot bath and hot food. But someone like her can't see the error of her ways because in her world, she is the center of the universe and all things evolve around her.
So with that smug determination and cocky swagger she took her torch to a disgusted Jeff as he practically told her to get the H out along with a wimpy Purple Kelly who unlike NaOnka left with her tail between her legs.-Single D