This episode's task is a launching party for ACN's new videophone. Someone at my work sells those, I'm just wondering do you have to have ACN as the phone carrier? I would love a videophone but I'd always have to wear lipstick, never know when you would get a call!
Again Joan is gone away for some event leaving Claudia (the model from Deal or No Deal-she's a celebrity?) as PM with Brian McKnight as PM for the guys. At least this challenge doesn't involve generating money but instead the teams will have to use their creative ideas for the launch. Clint Black and Dennis Rodman get into a heated verbal, over what I'm not sure. Clint last week was sporting the little man syndrome (I know someone at work with that!) which rubbed Dennis the wrong way. Dennis gets all in Clint's face and it was ugly. Dennis has some serious issues. Hey Dr. Phil, ya busy? After the spat, Dennis removes himself from the group, probably to find comfort in booze and broads or dudes (whatever he's into). The ACN execs want an emotional appeal for the promotion. Jesse James suggest right off that he has a contact out at We
st Point and they can shoot a video there, no matter that it's a two hour ride there. The girls get sidetrack with Claudia and Melissa's tongue wagging war. Melissa tries to volunteer ideas since she does this kind of thing, um like yeah, but Claudia sees it like she's being obnoxious and bi!chy. Claudia's vampire nails come out even further bashing Melissa's semi frozen face and says Melissa scares her because she doesn't know if she's happy or upset. Careful Claudia, I'm seeing plastic surgery in your future, you are a model aren't you?
I'm wondering which one on Athena decided on that whole stage actor vignette thing because I knew having actors interspersed with video would be corny.
Clint looks like a wet puppy with nothing to do on KOTU as Brian prepares to be the center of attention by performing a song. So that's two guys on KOTU with nothing to do, Clint and Dennis who finally shows up but Brian won't give him a single task. Dennis and Clint both act like spoiled brats. Maybe they should scoop up Melissa and all three could be a team.
Joan makes it back on time, private jet and all at 4:00 am. Got to give that old lady props for having so much energy to do that and still look fresh the next day to give her stand up routine. I know, who can tell when she's tired after all that plastic surgery. The best line in Joan's stand up for the videophone, was now all she had to do was to call her gyno. Funny stuff. Joan's still got it!
The guys presentation was really good. They didn't have all that corny crap that the girls did and going second really worked in their favor.
In the end, the Donald said by a landslide, the group liked the guys show better. Everyone love Brian McKnight. I wasn't unhappy that the ladies lost, eventually the weaker ones will have to exit and this week it was Claudia. She tried to throw Melissa under the bus for her big mouth, I'm the greatest thing since foil act, but the rest of the team said Melissa saved their weak presentation by taking charge of the production. Mama Joan came out swinging at Claudia. Don't mess with mother and her cub. In the end, Donald Trump could see that Claudia was clouded by her dislike of Melissa and was sent to pack her bags and take her model self back to Deal or No Deal to bring out another money suitcase.-Single D