Hey wait a minute, am I watching a re-run? I'm confused? Didn't they already do this? This ACN thing? And what they are still in business? The ACN video phone. Maybe the execs wants some more free publicity. I'll have to re-read my post on that previous season, but wasn't that when Joan Rivers was on it and won? Don't remember anything about that ACN episode so it must have been a sleeper. This time around, ACN execs say they want an ad that appeals to the emotion and heart, so the girls go after a 30 second spot featuring Marlee Matlin signing to her daughter over the video phone. The guys on the other hand driven by Lil Jon wants to add shock value with Jose introduced to the parents of his gay lover over the video phone. So much for emotion and heart. Typical guy thing. The dad is played by the ever so eccentric Gary Busey, who is totally off his rocker, parading around in a bathrobe with nothing underneath, hoping that his pecker would fall out. I so thought it was going to be way too crass for the conservative ACN execs, but everyone in their audience loved it, especially when the execs heard the word "viral". Nene got all emotional in the board room. Everyone pretty much said Dionne was the weakest player so when Trump asked her who should go home, she said well I guess I should, to which Trump said, You're Fired.
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