Ashley, one word, pathetic! Really? Come on, some guy you just met two weeks ago is making you lose your cool? Begging and pleading is not becoming and reduces women everywhere into groveling sniveling weak imbeciles. Bentley is a turd and he is leaving a legacy of not being able to trust men for his daughter. What kind of egocentric guy reveals to the world that he'd rather swim in pee than plan a wedding with Ashley. How disgusting. She might not be the girl for him, but hey, you signed up for the gig for what devious purpose (we have yet to discover, not that I care), but to be so crass, snickering at the expense of someone who seems genuinely nice is rotten to the core and he deserves little happiness in his life. I couldn't help but wince every time Ashley begged him to stay, it was too hard to watch. She needs to get in touch with her instincts because they are way off kilter. Ashley tells Chris that the hardest part is that he said he was leaving but that it was dot dot dot, like maybe something in the future could happen which gave her some tiny thread of hope. Chris tried to subtlety suggest that if he was into her he would have fought to stay. Did it sink in? Probably not. She's really naive in the men department and has serious insecurity issues which isn't very becoming. That is why she doesn't have the love she deserves, because she thinks she isn't good enough as evident with at failed Roast the Bachelorette fiasco. Sure I experienced a pang of hate when the otherwise seemingly congenial Will does his stand up roast only to expose his selfish need to be discovered at the expense of hurting Ashley's feelings by telling her that he expected Emily or Chantal. Why do guys always like blonds and big boobs. Just isn't fair, but Ashley took the ribbing about her small breast great it was only when Will mention Emily and Chantal her insecurity sprung into action. I guess I would be insecure too measuring up against a pretty blond and a chesty brunette. The girl can't win. I think deep down inside Will is a nice guy which probably explains why she spared him this round. I was hoping he would go with the unmasked man who turns out to look like Fred Flintstone's weird cousin. Because of that whole wearing the masked thing, he ruined any chances of Ashley getting to know him. It just backfired, because the mask actually was the barrier for anyone to get to know him. Once unmasked it was a big disappointment, because the allure of the Phantom just wasn't there, not that it was when he did wear the mask. His personality just wasn't big enough to win anyone over. Glad to see him go, now Ashley move on, Bentley is a pr!-K!
Taped Jimmy Kimmel because Ashley was to make a guest appearance and dish and word has it that Bentley comes back, let's hope it's just for the Bachelors Tell All segment!