Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hell's Kitchen-Prequel to the Finale
Well, it's down to the final two. Who would have thought Petrozza would have lasted this long. I thought Ramsay's perception of Petrozza's porkulant behavior in the kitchen would had him ousted long ago. When they see their images larger than life, Christina gushes that she looks angelic. Angelic? Do angels smoke? What's with chef's and smoking? Both Petrozza and Christina have to create their menus and designs for their restaurant. Here we see Christina diligently working on her menu and design while Petrozza heads
for his bed for a nap like a slumbering bear. When they meet with the contractor, Petrozza keeps gushing about flowers, lots and lots of flowers. I almost expected him to start skipping. Christina says simple and elegant and definitely has a clear vision or so it seems. By the sound of it, both are total opposites. Chef tells them that they are flying to New York to see his London NY restaurant, once there he tells them that he is giving both of them a trip to Dubai as a gift. Christina's like yeah!, where's Dubai? Once inside London NY, it's no time to relax for they both have to cook their signature dish for the one last challenge. Christina's like, I've got this in the bag, 10 challenges won! Careful the bragging, you haven't won yet! Petrozza cooks his fillet Mignon while Christina cooks a NY strip steak. I would have cooked Chilean Sea Bass or something other than red meat so the two dishes could be different. Once the dishes are finished, Chef brings in all his executive chef from around the world, how many restaurants does he own? I think the challenge would have been better if the chefs didn't know who cooked what and didn't listen to what the other chefs were saying as well. Petrozza squeaks by with one vote and wins the challenge to have first pick of the returning chefs to help them cook in the finale. But before that, Chef introduces Whoopi Goldberg, who did nothing and said nothing. I didn't understand why she was there, because she loves the show and wants to show her support? Maybe she was hoping to taste their signature dishes and get some free food? Well back to the business of the challenge, Petrozza ends up with Bobby and Ben and Christina with Corey and Louross. The cliffhanger was who gets Matt and Jen, who by the way is looking bitter and mean. By the previews, it looks like Jen is on Petrozza's team with Matt on Christina's. Back in LA, Christina is in a snit because her walls are striped. I didn't want stripes she says, cut to the replay when she picks out the striped wall paper. Gotta love the rewind. Best choice to win it, Christina, but at this point it could be anyone's executive chef hat.-Single D

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