I apologize that I am a week behind. I hope to rectify that by tomorrow! So on with the show.......Since the green monkeys only have 2 contestants, the yellow penguins have to decide who will go over. Donnell immediately says it will be his pal Justin and Justin says (to the camera) that he wants to go but Cathy volunteered before he could say anything. I'm thinking he wouldn't have gone anyway. Cathy vows to kick butt and they're off to the challenge.
It's gets hard to describe some of these challenges and this is one of them. Picture this - one team mate is wearing a velcro suit while suspended above the floor. One team member throws rubber balls at the suspended person while the other team member fires tennis balls at same both trying to get the balls to stick to the suit. Here's the kicker, two of the opposing team members have cables attached to the suspended one and try to yank him/her out of the way of the balls. Which ever team gets the most balls on the suit wins. Got it?

The yellow penguins go first with Bilenda in the sticky suit. I love it when Rome tries to say penguins, it always comes out pagens. Donnell and Meaghan get too predictable in their pulling of Bilenda so Andrew and Justin target the balls and Bilenda easily catches them and sticks them to her suit. Meaghan complains that

Bilenda is a lot heavier than she is and is hard to pull while Bilenda says her weight has finally come in handy. It looked like Donnell and Meaghan were trying to rock Bilenda to sleep or something. Bilenda catches 24 balls. It could have been more but Andrew kept aiming for Bilenda's head instead of her suit.

It's green monkeys turn with Cathy in the suit. Justin & Andrew yanked her around like a rag doll making Cathy elude almost every ball. Poor thing I thought she would get whiplash! Donnell was throwing balls like crazy and Meaghan, firing the tennis balls, didn't do squat. She spent so much time trying to aim that I

thought she was surveying. The green monkeys only get like 6 or 7 balls and the yellow penguins continue their winning streak.
The green monkeys have to make mochi balls for their punishment. They have to use huge mallots to pound the rice then make it into a dough. The dough is so sticky that they all ended up making what looked like mochi cookies. Their instructor gives Donnell a green wasabi mochi ball which he promptly spits out saying it tastes like ground up cow nose hair. I'll take his word for it.
Meaghan is adamant about not going into elimination and starts scheming. If the monkey team can't decide who will be in the elimination, then it falls to the yellow penguins to decide for them. Knowing this, Donnell gets cocky saying he won't be in the elimination game believing his secret alliance buds, Andrew & Justin, will put up the girls before him. Meanwhile, Meaghan gets Andrew to agree to put up Donnell. At the studio, Meaghan pulls the "boo hoo I can't decide" thing so the yellow penguins put up Donnell and Cathy. Donnell is really pissed off because his secret alliance didn't hold up. I guess he should have let Andrew and Justin in on the secret.

The challenge is to swing on a rope into a wall of seven doors and find three solid doors. If the door breaks, there are two people, one in a panda suit and one in a gorilla suit (don't ask me why), waiting on the other side to pummel the contestant with giant powder puffs. Whoever gets the fastest time wins. Cathy goes first and hits all seven doors (and gets powder puffed) before she finds her three solid doors. With a time of 2:07 she thinks she has a chance since Donnell is all pissed off about being there in the first place. Of course being mad just makes Donnell want to win that much more and flies through his doors (also getting puffed), even putting his foot through one of the solid doors! Rome just loved that so much he had to show it again. I swear that man lives for replays. Donnell wins with a time of 1:07.

Just when we think we are going to say sayonara to Cathy, the Japanese good fellas come out and sweep up a very confused Donnell. No worries, the guys in the booth yell out that the "idiots" have the wrong person and they return Donnell, pretty much as they found him, and whisk Cathy away. Maybe they should take off the sunglasses. Until next time, MAJIDE!
Double D
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